Integrated Marketing Midterm Exam Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Customer Journey

The brand that has been chosen for customer journey is Samsung mobile phones which have been described below:

5 Process Steps

Problem Recognition

While considering an example of a student who is asked by a teacher to inform about a quiz test which would be conducted tomorrow to those students who were absent in today’s class. A problem here could be recognized that the student does not have a mobile phone to contact with his classmates. This problem could easily be resolved through the use of Samsung mobile phones.

Information Search

Due to viral marketing, many potential customers could gain information about a mobile phone through the use of mobile forums or through asking friends and family members to provide knowledge of the latest phone which is available for the consumer. However, Google is an informative website that has various types of information about Samsung phones.

Evaluation of Alternatives

While purchasing a Samsung mobile phone, many people would consider the capability of the video camera in capturing the video, whereas, many of the people would be interested in the RAM, and the memory involved while using this phone. Therefore, many perceptions arelooked on to, while considering the purchase of a new Samsung mobile phone.

Purchase Decision

The customer who prefer Samsung amongst other mobile brands is because of Samsung mobile phone’s long battery power, good processor used in a phone, and finally the price of the product which is according to the products worth.

Post Purchase Evaluation

Positive Post Purchase Behavior

The positive behavior could lead to a student suggesting the particular mobile phone to his friends and spreading good word of mouth and positive publicity for the promotion of Samsung mobiles.

Negative Post Purchase Behavior

The negative post decision behavior would lead to dissatisfaction in purchasing the Samsung mobile phone and would be performing negative publicity against Samsung phones while first telling amongst its circle of friends.

Marketing Tactics for Each Step

The marketing tactics for each step has been described below:

Marketing Tactic for Problem Recognition

  • Increase the awareness among consumers for the use of mobile phones.
  • The importance of mobile phones and keeping the Samsung mobile phones for long term battery
  • Making awareness about the difficulties a person can face if they do not have a mobile phone.
  • Increasing awareness in villages and other less developed nations for the importance of a mobile phone for emergency purposes
  • To offer a phone which is both cheaper and easily available for consumers who are not able to afford smart phones.

Marketing Tactics for Information Search

  • Increase the ratings for Search Engine Optimization as whenever the consumer searches smart phones then the results would show Samsung at the top
  • Spreading the word of Samsung in many places including blogging and other forums to increase the chances of customer interaction and awareness
  • Developing the keywords identified by a common consumer in search of a phone.
  • Internet advertisements through banner advertisements shall be placed to capture the attention of a consumer.
  • Enhancing customer relationship management to attract more consumers in to buying Samsung phone.

Marketing Tactics for Evaluation of Alternatives

  • Describing the Samsung mobile phone on the basis of key factors highlighted and shall be according to customer insights
  • The theme of the Samsung phone shall address all the key issues with reasons.
  • Leading a consumer in to making decision in favor of Samsung shall be practiced
  • To focus on those key areas where the consumers perception about Samsung is not that great.
  • The strategy for making a healthier battery life shall be maintained.

Marketing Tactics for Purchase Decision

  • To focus on consumers’ insights and their requirements to meet their demands
  • Comparison of different factors provided by Samsung and other phones and then start working on their own phones
  • Manage the imperfect abilities of a Samsung phone
  • Research shall be conducted on the number of consumers choosing the alternatives and making purchase decisions.
  • To focus on key activities of the company instead of making unnecessary innovations.

Marketing Tactics for Post Purchase Decision

  • To manage cognitive dissonance if consumers are dissatisfied using Samsung brands
  • To replace or repair the phone if there are complaints about the phone
  • Making sure that the consumers does not get away dissatisfied
  • Providing other information about company’s products if there is positive purchase decision
  • Monitoring the satisfaction of consumers through feedback.....................

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