The Ritz Carlton Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

“Successful management: The Ritz Carlton”

The Ritz Carlton is a hotel company with LLC. It is their parent company so it is known as the Ritz Carlton Hotels. The management is engaged in offering its services nearly in 84 resorts and hotels. The company has hotels and resorts in nearly all the major countries of the world. The company is a formal subsidiary of Marriot International and it was founded in 1983. The hotel was bought by the owners and was started as The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company headquartered in Georgia.

The hotel is famous as being one of the luxurious brands that are holding their standards. It is known to be the only company in United States of America that has succeeded in achieving the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award in a sequence. The Ritz-Carlton Company is also known as one of the best companies in employee development and training. The aphorism of the company is based on making their employees ladies and gentleman and want them to treat the guests in the same way. One of the policies adhered by company is to make every employee spend $2000 on guests in order to make them satisfied.

Model followed by Ritz-Carlton:

The model followed on Ritz Carlton is based on three basic concepts that are location, product and people. The company wants its location to be best where every individual will wish and love to stay. Further, the company has invested heavily on making their product physically perfect. Next fundamental of the model is treating their customers in the best-possible way and to make no compromise on it. Out of these three fundamentals, the first two are paramount.

Focusing on service:

To offer the best possible service to their clients, ladies and gentleman in the company is allowed to spend $2000 on every customer without taking permission from the senior managers. They can spend this amount on a per incident basis, and that in turn results in high level of trust of visitors on the management of the company. Often, the ladies and gentleman can even exceed that amount without manager’s permission just to make their visitors satisfied and convinced. The prime thought behind this is to keep customers happy and loyal so that Ritz Carlton will become their priority (Vijayakumar, 2009).

Managing day and staff at Ritz Carlton:

The chief executive officer of the company often spends more time outside than at his office so as to visit the hotels and resorts worldwide. Despite his official tours all around the world, he remains in touch with all the hotels and resort through his BlackBerry and spends few hours on checking his emails. In order to make the staff satisfied with their jobs, the CEO always value opinions by each and every employee in the organization and listen to their queries as well.

Clinching trends:

In order to keep up with the trends, the management of the company is heavily engaged in the market research and explores opportunities related to luxury products along with high-end goods and services market. The management of the company believes that Ritz Carlton has made its image as a trend setter and not as a trend follower. Despite that, the company does not position itself as trendy (DeWolf, 2009).

Measuring success at Ritz Carlton:

The achievement of the company is measured through customer representatives, who ask emotional and functional questions from the customers. Questions are about the quality of the meal, the service, and suggestions about the food menu, room service, and cleanliness. After that, indicators were developed and responses by the customers are analyzed. The Ritz-Carlton Company makes sure that functional requirements are met first. From the employee’s viewpoint, company measure success through internal metric known as voluntary turnover. If the voluntary resignation in the company is increasing then the management knows that something lacks like training or development. The management believes that training employees is vital for the company’s success because if employees are not satisfied then they won’t be able to make their customers satisfied………………….
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