Tesla Phase 4 Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Tesla Phase 4 Case Study Solution

Process of Technical Implementation


Process of Technical Implementation

Process of Technical Implementation

Technical Solution

The technical solution which I use in our model is Ultrasonic Sensor and Radar.

Ultrasonic Sensor:-

There are two main reasons for using an ultrasonic sensor in Tesla cars. One is to detect objects and other things in the surrounding environment (Jia, 2018). The second is to detect an obstacle in the car's path. The ultrasonic sensor is a type of sensor used in autonomous cars. The company has 6 ultrasonic transducers in its bumpers. Using proximity sensors to detect obstacles limits the range of Tesla cars' Auto Park and Autopilot convenience features. Another reason for using an ultrasonic sensor in Tesla cars is to improve the range of the vehicles.

While other automakers support other sensors in case the main sensors fail, Tesla has eased the deployment of this technology in their vehicles. However, if the sensors fail, Tesla vehicles will still use 12 ultrasonic sensors. Tesla also warns customers to keep their hands on the wheel and keep their eyes on the road when using Autopilot. The Tesla website says their cars will continue to use 12 ultrasonic sensors.

Another reason why Tesla uses ultrasonic sensors in their cars is to provide autonomous driving features. The 6th generation of ultrasonic sensor enables the cars to park themselves in confined spaces, maneuver in narrow situations, and support emergency braking functions. The sensor also has improved the speed at which the cars can react to obstacles. It has other uses in construction, agriculture, logistics, and other industries.

In August 2017, Tesla Motors updated its Autopilot computer hardware. Autopilot 2.5 included an additional system-on-a-chip, or SoC, to the custom NVidia Drive PX2 platform. The upgrade is a significant upgrade for the Tesla Autopilot computer system. The autopilot computer is capable of processing nearly 40 times more data than previous systems. The latest Tesla autopilot software, called Autopilot 2.5, has more than doubled the amount of processing power that the previous version had (Bayyou, 2018).

Auto steer keeps the car in its current lane while engaging Traffic-Aware Cruise Control. Traffic-Aware Cruise Control maintains a vehicle's speed up to 90mph. Auto steer also has a system for automatic parallel parking, which can spot a parking space at a low speed. This technology is connected to a phone app that summons the car automatically or can be set up to control the garage door automatically.

Tesla's autopilot functions feed more data than a human can understand. In the future, the car will be significantly safer than a human driver. Further, Tesla is aiming to develop autonomous chips with 6 billion transistors. It also features 32 megabytes of high-speed SRAM memory. This type of memory can fetch data several hundred times faster than conventional DRAM. So, if you are a Tesla owner, fully autonomous cars will soon be a reality.

Tesla uses an ultrasonic sensor in its Autopilot system to detect objects in its path. The ultrasonic sensors in the car detect objects within an eight-meter radius. In addition to detecting objects in the road, they can detect vehicles in blind spots, like dogs (Zhang, 2019). The technology also uses a satellite navigation system and the NVidia Drive PX2 platform. When used in combination, these sensors help Tesla drivers become safer and more efficient.

Tesla will also discontinue the use of radar in its Model 3 and Model Y cars in North America later this month. The company decided to transition first with their highest-volume vehicles in order to get real-world data from its radar-free cars. Tesla will add this technology to its Model S and X cars later. It will be worth the cost to purchase these new cars, so make sure to pre-order your Tesla Vision.........

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