People face Trade Off Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

What is Trade Off?

The word tradeoff refers to a particular situation in which the aspect or one quality of something must be forgone or sacrificed in return to gain another aspect or quality. Often, it implies a decision that has to be made with the full comprehension of both downside and upside of the particular choice; trade off can also be used in the context of evolution.

The people alwaystradeoff means that there would be nothing as a free dine; for the purpose of gaining one thing, people have to forgo or sacrifice another thing. Something such as butter vs. guns, clothing vs. food, work vs. leisure time and equity vs. efficiency. To make decision, it is required to trade off an objective against another objective.

As a society, people directly need to make choices; the tradeoff always exists between equity and efficiency. A high degree of efficiency chosen by a society would seem Darwinian; the relentless efficiency pursuit might neglect the agonizing of those who are not able to keep up. A society that most likely chooses fair distribution of wealth, high degree of equity is more humane but that society might sacrifice the high degree of inefficiency.
For instance; people can decide to enact the regulations that would most probably safeguard the environment from the industrial waste. This tends to come at a high cost as the cost of abiding, enforcing and enacting by the regulation would be significant. People can also face tradeoff when it comes to unemployment; there are many countries in the world that provide the social safety net that responsibly provide protection to the people downing in their luck. The cost is associated, not because it causes a moral hazard or it might discourage the society so that they become less likely to seek work but also due to the resources that have to be allocated towards the society’s net safety that might be used for another purposes as well. It is not to say that the industries are allowed to dump the toxic waste and harm the society or environment or we allow the unemployed people to starve. However, it is significant understanding that the discussed tradeoffs are real and there are many policy makers who are seeking to select most appropriate balance between equity and efficiency.

People face Trade Off Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Principles of Trade Off

The principle of economics says that the tradeoff involves sacrificing one thing in order to acquire another thing; this can be possible in the scarce resources. Societies usually face tradeoff between public goods such as social and defense programs and consumer goods such as low taxes. As the government is allowed to borrow, there tradeoff exist between consumption for future and current generation. There can also be a tradeoff between jobs and environment.

It is to notify that the tradeoff is not unsatisfactory situation for anyone; it also makes people better off. People should not perceive it as losing one side and winning another side, the people cannot be forced to trade, so they can be benefited from both sides. Competition is aspect of the trade..............

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