Mount Everest 1996 Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

 Mount Everest 1996 Case Solution

Problem Statement

“A number of major losses were experienced during the expedition being led by two adventure consultancies in 1996 for reaching the summit of Mount Everest. The losses were critical and crucial, it has become of sheer importance for the adventure consultancies leading expeditions of such nature to ensure the safety of the team members to avoid such ruinous consequences in the future.”

Problem Analysis

The unfortunate results which were experienced by the two expedition leading teams were caused by a number of factors. The factors which intensified the negative results were unfortunately not tackled effectively by the two organizations as both the organizations had the potential to avoid the losses or at least reduce them. Due to a number of lacking traits in the personalities of the leaders of the teams and lacking in the team members, the outcomes of the expedition were serious and critical.

Poor Leadership

The groups that were formed by the adventure consultancies were not experienced with respect to the territory and the activities that would be required to make it successful. It was very much expected for the team members to make mistakes while functioning in the harsh climatic conditions of the mountain;however it was very surprising when the team leaders who were experienced in the territory started to take the potential threats from the nature lightly. The teams formed by the adventure consultancies consisted of individuals who had never been in situations like these and some of them were not even physically fit to meet the harsh conditions of reaching the summit of Everest. Things really started to worsen when the expedition reached its initiation phase and things started to get difficult for the team members and they were at the end of their bearing capacities as their bodies were new to the harsh conditions of the area. These conditions were not something unexpected or new for the team leaders as they have been able to survive in such climatic conditions in the past, however their behavior in contrast to the conditions was very surprising as they did not respect the power acquired by the nature in the region. The leaders were resilient to give up and in spite of ensuring the safety of the member they gave priority to increasing the success ration of their consultancy. A number of poor decisions were taken by the team leaders which negatively affected the expedition and resulted in serious and critical losses.

Negative Motivation

Groups that were formed by both the adventure consultancies consisted of individuals who have never to such areas which required an untiring attentions and physical fitness. The individuals in the teams were motivated enough to reach the summit of the mountain under the guidance the team leaders of both the organizations. Majority of the clients or team member who had signed up for the expedition were going to experience such harsh conditions for the first time and they had never been to such places before. Yes, the clients were aware of the difficulties that they will have to face in the process of reaching the summit, but they underestimated the potential of these challenges and were severely affected by the condition of the region as things started to get serious. Once the expedition started the bearing capabilities of the team members were challenged and shattered by the nature, they were not able to cope up with the challenges which were presented to them by the cruelest mountain in the world..................

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