Capstone Project Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


In the current era, technology innovates very rapidly and due to innovation in technology new diseases are taking place in the human life. In almost every week a new disease is discovered. Due to the rapid evolution of diseases, people have become confused about how to treat and identify a disease.

One of the emerging diseases of the current era is obesity among children. In this disease, fat negatively affects the health of thechild. Obesity hasincreased so significantly that in the last few years India has jumped from 20th to 3rd place in the list of people affected by obesity. Furthermore, the rate of obesity also increases in China.

There are various factors which cause obesity.It may be due togenetics. Genetics affect the efficiency of human digestion system, which is how food converts into energy. Anotherfactor which may create obesity is the lifestyle of the family.If the parents are obese then their children will also be obese.It may be due to having the same habits and eating the same foods as parents. But the main reason behind obesity is an unhealthy diet.In the current era, people like fast food and beverages more than fruits and vegetable. And fast food contains more calories hence people gain weight.(Staff)

Capstone Project Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Obesity can be determined through various methods.The most effective method to determine obesity is the Body Mass Index (BMI) method. According to this method, obesity among children can be determined through percentile method.

Problems or Issues

In our project, we are addressing the treatment of obesity among children. To achieve our desiredobjective, we conduct aninterventional program for the treatment of obesity among children.

Children obesity is the childhood condition in which excess body weight negatively affects a child’s health. The obesity is often diagnosed using the method of Body Mass Index (BMI). According to BMI,overweight is defined when BMI is at or above the85th percentile and below the95th percentile. By dividing person’s weight (in kilograms) by square of height (in meters) a BMI can be calculated.BMI is specified to age and sex for children and teens. Hence age and sex specified percentiles are used to determine child weight rather than BMI categories used for adults.(Defining Childhood Obesity)



Dependent Variable                                                              Independent Variable








Reason behind to choose Obesity among Children

Obesity is the most common disease among children all over the world. In the US, approximately 21%-24% American children are overweight and approximately another 16%-18% are obese. Furthermore, if we consider Asia, then India jumped to number 3from number 20 in obesity in last few years. Like India obesity in Chinaalso increases.

Obesity among children hasincreased significantly in last few years. It has become a worldwide problem and is considered a major health concern of the developed world..(Schwarz)

Conduct of the Project

To complete our project, we conduct some research work. Ourresearch is about where obesity among children is present in the world. Along with this, we conductedaresearch about the ratio of presence of obesity in male and female. Furthermore, we evaluated its effect on the children by analyzing different children suffering from this disease. We also reviewed the literature work of different researchers to fully understand obesity among children. Furthermore, to conduct our project effectively we also use our practical experience which we gain during our medical practice....................

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