Can nice guys finish first? Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


According to the case, Adam Baker realized the opportunity of the new venture and decided to become a CEO of the chain of hotels. He personally believes that this project will increase its ability and skills and allow him to achieve career success. However, Merwyn gave the statement to the Adam that the door isn’t open for him, which disappointed Adam. Merwyn thought that Adam has a lack of skills and expertise that are necessary to become a CEO of the hotel chain because the hotel business is tricky and difficult to manage. Therefore, he decided not to allow Adam to proceed as the new CEO.

Moreover, Adam Baker as a CEO of Tallyrymple has regretful experience; as a result, Merwyn is doubtful regarding his decision to allow Adam to become a CEO of the new venture. Apart from that, Adam is hesitating to ask Merwyn to make him the CEO of his new hotel chain venture. Merwyn was considering him on a position of perfect number two and not fit for the position of CEO. If Adam did not get the chance to become a CEO, then this would lead him to face the dilemma that whether to he should continue as a COO or quit his current job for more opportunities.

Adam Baker needs to identify the areas that require a complete focus and how he will achieve his career goals. Therefore, a thorough case analysis is required, and facts must be analyzed, to drive possible alternatives and solution.


It is necessary to analyze the significant strengths and weaknesses of the case along with its opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis will help to drive the possible alternatives and the solutions for the issues arise in the case.


A major strength of the Adam is that he has a soft-spoken and down-to-earth personality. He has a visionary goal to become a CEO of the new hotel chain venture. Moreover, he has a good nature and possesses a personality to influence others. His strong ethic work quality is one of the significant strength, which is necessary for any organization. He is not an egoist and achieved the status of not being the loudest and funniest person, but approachable in its work and has a problem-solving skill.


One of the major weaknesses of the Adam is that he lacks leadership skills and lack of sufficient self-confidence. He does not possess an aggressive personality and power to impose orders on others. The prior bad experience of Tallyrymple leads Adam to face future failures. Moreover, his nice personality will lead people to take an advantage of him. Furthermore, there is possibility of a strained relationship with Merwyn Straus. Besides that, Merwyn thought that Adam lacks skills and expertise that are necessary to become a CEO of the hotel chain.


Adam can utilize the opportunity to become a CEO of the new hotel chain venture. He should clearly express his feeling to become CEO to the Merwyn. Moreover, he should develop more skills that are necessary to become a CEO, such as leadership skill, good communication skills, interpersonal skills, and teamwork skills. Moreover, Adam reviews his previous work performance with Merwyn (Adair, 1998).

Can nice guys finish first Case Solution


If Adam is unable to lead the new venture and fail to become an effective CEO, then this would lead the company to face financial and profit loss in the future. The new venture requires a huge investment. Therefore, the company requires a person who best fit in this position and bring a profit shortly.


Alternative 1: Adam should be a CEO

Adam can be an effective CEO of the new hotel chain venture because he has a certain competency that would make him a productive CEO. Moreover, he has the right educational background and possesses a reputable degree. He also has a soft-spoken and down-to-earth personality that attracted many people (Kelly, 1980).

Moreover, he is a hardworking and a collected man, and recognize a business opportunity effective and efficiently. Furthermore, he has a visionary goal to become a CEO of the new hotel chain venture. With this opportunity, Adam realized that he could create something for himself and achieve a career goal. Moreover, he has a previous experience and will not apply the same strategy.............

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