Surviving SAP Implementation in a Hospital Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Surviving SAP Implementation in a Hospital Case Study Solution

For determining the success or failure of the SAP implementation, the best metric for evaluating the ERP software is through the Knowledge Management Metrics. The knowledge management is one of the most important technique for measuring the progress of the organization. Knowledge management involves the using of balance scorecard, benchmarking and quality matrix. These mentioned types of the knowledge management are the specific matrix, which would be required for evaluating the success or failure of the SAP.


One of the specific metrics is the Benchmarking, which is used by man industries for improving the business performance. The Benchmarking of the SAP implementation would be adopted through the internal and external benchmarking. The internal benchmarking would be conducted by making the comparisons of the business units such as the staff member’s quality, patient outcome and other factors with different period of time. The external benchmarking would be conducted through making comparisons with other hospitals, which does not have the similar ERP software.

Balanced Scorecard

Another of the specific metrics for evaluating the performance of SAP would be conducted through the Balanced Scorecard. The Balanced Scorecard is one of the judgment and management metrics for clarifying the vision and establishing of strategy for further improving the performance.

Surviving SAP Implementation in a Hospital Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Quality Metrics

Lastly, another specific metrics for measuring the performance of SAP would be Quality Metrics. The Quality Metrics consists of the Fish bone diagram, which helps in identifying the links with the quality of staff members, its characteristics and process characteristics. This helps in developing the links for evaluating the effectiveness of any ERP software.

Data needed

The data, which is required for measuring these metrics, are the following:

  • Finance: This would involve in measuring the return on investment of the SAP, return on capital employed and its values.
  • Patient: Another factor for measuring the effectiveness of the software would be through analyzing the patient’s outcomes, satisfaction and improvement on the quality care.
  • Internal Business Process: The internal business process would be analyzed for evaluating the effectiveness of SAP in which it would consist of the quality of care, minimizing costs and improving teamwork among the staff members.
  • Learning and Growth: Lastly, the staff members learning and growth would be analyzed as well as their satisfaction, retention and improvement in skills.

Question # 2

After evaluating the effectiveness of the SAP through the metrics, it was found that the SAP software was effective as it helped in reducing errors, improved the quality care of the patients and improved the process flow of the hospital for managing the patients’ effectiveness. The government had now issued a law in which the hospital and physicians are required for using this technology.

Other than that, it helped in reducing the costs, managing the time effectively and improving the work force of the staff members. It also improved the training and support of the staff members, which gave opportunity to the members for developing their skills and growth. For the physicians, it helped in creating an effective decision process that improved the quality care to the patients. Whereas for the staff members, the SAP had helped in creating better management and helped in thoroughly training the staff members.......................

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