Quality Management Plan Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


The quality management plans signifythe acceptable quality level, which describes how the project would ensure the quality level in work processes and deliverables. The quality management activitymakes certain of that;

  • All the work processes are well documentedand are performed efficiently.
  • Products are designed in order to meet agreed upon requirements and standards.
  • The non-conformances are firstly identified and afterwards,the corrective action is taken.

Quality management plans are typically applied to the work processes and deliverables of the project.It also verifies and monitors that the project deliverables meet defined quality requirements and standards, as well as processes that are used to create and manage the deliverables are effective and followed.

Quality Management Plan Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Evaluate and compare the three quality management plans,

QMP 1:Design Build - quality management plan


Design Buildis a way of delivery of project in which, the Design Build team extensively worksfor the purpose of providing construction and design services with the project owner under asingle contract. The team is encouraged to provide exceptional quality product and services that exceed or at least meet the requirements of pre-determined criteria such as WashingtonState Department of Transportation, delivered on time and safely within budget.High quality work is the responsibility of the each and every individual performing the project. The quality of the project can be obtained through complete quality control activities including testing, checking and quality audit. Also the quality of work can be ensured throughplanning and control of the operations (DESIGN-BUILD QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN OUTLINE, 2017).

  • Adherence to QM principles:
    • Design Build is committed to leadership and excellence in workplace safety throughout the project operations, fulfilling principles of QM.
    • The design change process also allows for bringing changes in the design during improvement or maintaining quality during construction and to modify and address changes and unexpected conditions in the field.
    • It also adheresto community customer focus principle. It has followed principles to ensure that the community, as well as customers, would not suffer due to the designand construction work activities.
  • Application of principles:
    • The improvement principle of quality management is ensured by Design Build by reviewing and setting targets and objectives as well as reporting metrics of performanceto staff and WSDOT. Also, the management reviews were also conducted to ensure quality and regular meetings to monitor theperformance and progress of project operations. The quality improvement is the core principle followed by the Design Build in order to ensure the delivery of construction and design services.
    • The management is liable to provide leadership in order to provide employee participation and awareness in creating an environmentally sound and safe work environment. This leadership might give appropriate benefits to the employees in number of ways, they would get engaged with the project work, they would bemotivated and they can also be directed.
    • Design Build have responded to the community concerns which were identified by the team, also strived to arrive at design outcomessupported by community as well as the process, whichhas minimized the impact of construction on the community...........................

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