Porcini Inc. is a family business that was started in 1969 in the city of Boston. The company differentiates itself by providing premium quality of food and service to the customers. Right now, the company reached the saturation stage where it becomes difficult for the company to further grow, and the product life cycle becomes stagnant. To cope up with the situation, the company has to take some measures for the further growth. This growth includes opening a new low-cost restaurant in the near-by place to establish and prove it to be a powerful brand.
Even though, the company has been successful in establishing its brand image locally but now, the company further needs to expand and build its positive brand image globally.
Problem Identification:
Porcini Inc. is based on serving Italian food to the customers but right now, the company was facing low growth rate that later turned stagnant in the restaurant industry. To solve this problem, the management of the company decided to expand its business internationally. To expand globally, funds were required and Porcini was limited in terms of capital excess. In addition to that, the company did have brand recognition locally but not globally. Further, the company had to meet the hurdle rate of 6% to make further growth in the business by establishing a new restaurant Porcini’s Pronto.
Maintaining High Quality and Service:
Maintaining quality service along with the best quality of food is the prime purpose of Porcini. Porcini could keep up its high service and product quality because it was a family-possessed restaurant network, which gave extensive measure of control of its sheltered approach regarding organization’s expansion choices. In addition to that, the company was low in terms of brand recognition from the competitors like Olive Garden and Denny’s. Further, the company is based on having three segments i.e. fast-food, full-service chain restaurants and single location full-service restaurants.
The senior management of the company concocted a Pronto idea, which could conceivably open up another range that nobody has entered yet. The basic elements behind the Pronto concept includes opening of a restaurant somewhere nobody has entered yet like inter-state roadway passageways. The prime competitors of the Pronto would be the nearby fast food restaurants which have been working there and serving the travelers. Another competitor of the company includes full-service chain restaurants like Denny’s. It would be basic to think of a reasonable differentiator to its rivals, on both quality as well as service, and position itself against them.
Chef Molise was taking the creation of an exceptional Pronto menu passionately; which would be less broad with marginally lower cost than Porcini's customary menu. Likewise, Halloran, who was Porcini's HR chief; placed critical measure of exertion onto enlisting the right individuals and structure a "Pathfinder Team" with 3 or 4 exceptional Porcini's representatives at every new Pronto's area.
For the concept to be successful, the company needed to give one full week preparation along with a presentation related to quality service along with its execution components would be given. From the employee perspective, it was a genuine one. Pronto job petitioners would need to pass a few screens which incorporate meetings with HR, then Pathfinder Team and the supervisor. Furthermore, an identity appraisal test was given.
Customer Questionnaire System:
In order to make the Porcini concept successful, the company has to make the customized version of the menu that should be entirely different and stripped from the company’s traditional menu. Here, the issue may arise about preferring low items menu with the traditional menu. To solve this issue, the company has designed a team with its existing employees and makes a customer questionnaire system to collect the feedback from the information collected. With the help of customer questionnaire system, the company can able to find the satisfaction level of employees.
Further, the customers will be given incentives in terms of discount cards that will fill out the questionnaires. Giving this kind of incentives will encourage customers to visit the restaurant again and again. The rationale and logic behind customer questionnaire is good but its primary focuses on the quality and food like the quality of the meal, efficiency of the staff and cleanliness in the restaurant. The questionnaire does not include things like pay bills, food servings and time for taking orders. In addition to that, other questions that should be included in the questionnaire should be based on food, time, services and place. The Porcini needs to response from the customers to get a proper focus on each factor that has to be analyzed and implemented. Further,.................
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