Planning Human Resources Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


Planning human resource is an important process through which organizations make a link between human resource of an organization and strategic planning of the business so that competency can be achieved within the organization. Human resource planning also helps companies to achieve efficiency in terms of staffing. The phenomenon has become an important aspect to achieve a competitive advantage that in turn will increase employee retention and satisfaction level.

Human resource planning is not a one-time process rather it is a continuous process which is based on proper planning to improve human assets. The prime objective of the HRP is to create a balance between employees and their respective jobs so that there is a smooth progression of work of an organization. The basic components of human resource planning include evaluating the current supply of labor, forecasting demand and create a balance between actual and projected worker’s supply and demand. In order to make human resource planning successful, it is crucial for a plan to be flexible enough to meet the challenges related with staffing on a short-term basis. Along with that, the plan should have the ability to adapt according to the market demands and changing conditions in organizations.

The main business of the company is providing e-learning businesses to the customers. The company deals from business to business, thus its consumers are different businesses. E-learning can be defined as a process of sharing information by usingadvanced tools and techniques,which is based on learning with the aid of electronic media and other technologies which require communication for learning. The concept of e-learning is based on learning through technology to make the whole process efficient.

Identification of key issues

The human resource manager of the company is facing an issue regarding fluctuating workload for the trainers of the company. The company is an international publishing company that is engaged in offering e-learning materials for different businesses. When the number of new products has been sold, the trainers are not able to handle the workload and the extra demand of e-learning materials. Trainers’ inability to deal the workload leads to customer’s dissatisfaction and are complaining about the poor service of the company.

In addition to that, another major issue faced by the company was related to globalization. The operations of the company were not limited in one country rather it has operations in seven countries. The company was facing difficulty in handling the needs in different countries. The basic reason behind this was that the employees in the company were unfamiliar with the culture of different countries and so they were unfamiliar about the preferences of the consumers. The products offered by the company were rejected because consumers in different countries considered it inappropriate for them. The rejection occurred because of the unawareness of the company about customers’ cultural demands.


Managing fluctuating workload:

Different kinds of organizations have different intensity of workload depending on the nature of business, it is a prime responsibility of a manager to handle workloads. The manager should manage the work demand to run the business efficiently. The manager should make proper planning about managing fluctuations in workload when an employee takes a leavein emergency or vacations on urgent basis. Workload varies on a day to day basis or even from month to month basis depending upon the nature of work orbusiness.

There are times when trainers were flooded with a heavy task,whileon the other hand, they barely have enough to do. There are always ways and procedure to cope up with workload fluctuations.

Outsourcing trainers:

It is not always important to have permanent trainers to get work done properly and more efficiently. Often temporary trainers can help and save time and money, further they are also useful when the employees have no time for a mealor a tea break. In this scenario, the company may hire temporary trainers who can explain products that do not require much time and expertise and the company would be able to spend more time on important and bigger products, the company would also be able to meet demands during the busy time periods. On the other hand, there are certain risks that have been involved in outsourcing. If the temporary trainer failed to meet the customer’s expectations, then it will result in the bad image of the company.

However, other than outsource temporary trainers, other methods which can be adapted to handle workload.

Learn to say no:

On an individual basis trainers and workers should learn to say no to other workers and employees as it is important for the trainers to set limits on the projects. By setting limits, trainers would be able to identify the boundary line and reject favors to other trainers, especially when they are overbooked. In addition to that, companies should take orders that can be easily managed by the trainers of the company. It is better to say no politely than to say yes and then failed to complete it..................

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