Maintenance in Irrigation Water Station Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Maintenance in Irrigation Water Station Case Solution

Friction losses

The loss of head due to friction happens via the pipes, elbows, drippers, joints, pipes, pump components, and flanges. Such losses can be calculated using the darcy-Weisbach equation or the William Hazen formula (Mahmood&Hussain 174). Besides, the manufacturer's specifications of the components can be used to estimate the losses.

Pump size

The head that it must work and the design discharge are used to determine the pump's size. The total head consists of:

  1. Elevation safety.
  2. Safety factor.
  3. Pump suction lift.
  4. Minor losses.

Total head (Ht) = Suction + Static Lift +Pressure Head +Friction Losses+Factorof Safety

Construction of irrigation systems

1.      Surface irrigation

In this type of irrigation, water is applied by gravity flow to the surface of the field Surface irrigation can either be:

  1. Basin irrigation is suitable for waterlogged crops like rice. Here the entire field is flooded hence the name basin irrigation.
  2. Furrow irrigation where the crops receive water via small channels.


Border irrigation-it is the type of irrigation characterized by long, sloping strips separated by bunds. In this irrigation, water is fed by opening the small channels using small outlets.

1. Sprinkler irrigation

This method of irrigation provides water to crops in a rainfall-like manner. Distribution of water to the crops is via a system of pipes, usually by pumping. The sprinkler irrigation components are the centrifugal pump, mainline and sub-lines, lateral lines, and the sprinklers.

2. Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation can also be referred to as micro-irrigation and it involves dripping water onto the soil slowly from a system of small diameter plastic pipes fitted with outlets called emitters or drippers. The water is usually applied to the plants on the root. The components include pump units, control head, mainlines and sub-mainlines, lateral lines, emitter/drippers. It may also have reservoir tanks, filters, and fertigation devices.

Irrigation system maintenance

The Sacramento Valley newsletter for tree crop growers over the past several years has argued that to optimize irrigation efficiency; there is a need to carry out practices and approaches such as soil moisture monitoring, pressure chambers, and increasing system distribution uniformity. It further argues that low distribution uniformity has over time led to progressive over and under irrigation in most parts of the orchard block and leads to higher water use to meet each tree's demands and long pump

were the two common issues concerning irrigation reported in the Sacramento Valley between 2002 and 2013. That the cause of the problem associated with water not being uniformly distributed to each plant is poor maintenance. More than 80% of those systems with a distribution uniformity of less than 83% had problems related to pressure and maintenance.

Moreover, for those systems with an average distribution uniformity of above 87%, nearly half could still be identified as having issues of maintenance, which had an opportunity to be corrected to make their distribution uniformity better. The most critical component of anefficient irrigation system is system maintenance. During the intensive irrigation system, it is argued to be the optimum period to program system maintenance. System maintenance is vital for all types of irrigation systems. The only difference that emerges is the time required or allocated to do the task and the type of irrigation system used. For example, the optimal levels are high for the micro and drip systems compared to others. However, it is argued that routine maintenance practices are essential and vital regardless of the method used.

The irrigation Pump

There is a need to clean primary filters located in the pump and the secondary filters on the irrigation pump, which are always located in the field. Further, there is a need to backwash to eliminate any organic or any other particulate matter, when one uses sand as a filter, there is a need to ensure that the sand is not caking. It is also vital to ensure that the correct type of filter is used for the corresponding type of debris in the respective water source. Moreover, the gauges should always be replaced in around 3 to 5 years, generally because their dependability reduces as the gauges age. Furthermore, it is recommended that a pressure gauge be installed before and after the filters. It is also essential to ensure regular monitoring of pressure regulating valves to ensure that they provide the exact required pressure, which can be achieved by counterchecking it with a new pressure gauge.

Flood and furrow irrigation

On flood and furrow irrigation, it is vital to check on the following:

Firstly, when soil erosion occurs over time, it affects the borders of each furrow, and therefore, there is a need to check this to confirm that there is no leaking or seepage (Lightle et al. 2)Secondly, there is also a need to repair the check valve if it has been affected by soil erosion.

Solid Set Systems

It is also essential to follow the following instructions for solid set systems:

The worn nozzle is a crucial aspect to look at, and there is a need to make a close analysis of the specifications given by the manufacturers to find out whether the flow rates of the sprinklers are a result of sand wear since flow rates of nozzles depending on its age (Lightle et al. 2).

Secondly, the pump station filter's effectiveness could be affected if there are signs of heavy sand being flushed out when valves are opened at the end of each irrigation phase.

Micro and Drip Systems

There is a need to put into consideration the following aspects in micro and drip systems.

There is always a need for constant scrutiny to ensure that there are no leakages in the lines. When this is done and found out, then one should repair it by splicing lines together. An individual should never use tape and plugs for repair since the hole will increase as time goes

Secondly, there is always the need to check nozzles if they are congested or blocked. If this is found, then replacement should be done with new nozzles of the exact specification.

One should also check calcium buildup or clogs regularly on the drip emitters. Chemical treatment may always be needed but again, depending on the type of clog established. Moreover, the pumping station's effectiveness may be affected by problems associated with plugs at the inlet screens.

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