Leadership Assignment Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Leadership Assignment
Deciding on the correct frame of reference for leadership and supervision is highly important for organizational effectiveness. The leaders of an organization need to conceptualize around four different frames of reference that are symbolic, political, human resource and structural. In this paper we make recommendations for how we can make up the symbolic frames and how ½ of the MBA team could make up HR frame and the remaining half can make up structural frames.
Regarding the structural frame, the MBA team needs to have this element for effective operations within the team and effective supervision. All the MBA team members will have to learn the rules, procedures, practice and performance, guidelines and also how the individual’s decisions are made within the organizations. A detailed understanding is recommended to be sought by each of the team members about the organization. All the team members would be provided with endless content for supervising the team.
The leader of the MBA team will have to do some homework on finding the best frameworks, practice models and the most competent areas for relying on their own positioning power as compared to the expert power as this is the only way for the leaders to generate the aptitude and the required team cohesion that is needed for a strong MBA team. It is also recommended that there should be no corner cuts within the supervision of the leaders when the core competencies of the team leaders are being developed no matter how mundane and boring it might be(Austin, 1981). The leaders are recommended to have a written clarity regarding the job performance based on specific areas such as the procedures, policies, communication plans, codes of conduct and the organizational themes. Autonomy of the team members should be increased by proving all the safety to the leaders for comprehensive clarity regarding the operational structure of the organization.
Leadership Assignment Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
The highest controversy for the leaders is generated by the human resource frame within the supervision process. This frame always provokes the concept of the organization as an organization being and it extends it to become a family that has all the emotions, feelings, limitations, skills and the needs. Supervisors within this frame are recommended not to become human resource biased. Instead, it is the responsibility of the leaders to provide feedback to each of the member of the team on a quarterly basis regarding their performance, strengths and weaknesses(Bolman, 2003).
The supervisor is recommended to meet the needs of the team members by attending to all the needs of the members. Based on the human resource frame, the leader needs to instill support, compassion and empowerment as the key variables that need to be lived and encouraged as the key tenets within the team. The supervisor that operates based on the human resource frame of reference should project himself or herself in a way so that all the team members think about the leader as a catalyst for the organization and not as a wimp.................

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