The director of a subsidiary campus of a national university is faced with many difficulties: has was personally overloaded both as a lecturer; there are several part-time lecturers as compared to full time lecturers on staff, resulting in a loss of commitment and esprit de corps; a decision needs to be made about buying or leasing the newly renovated building where the campus is located; and, most of all, several of his decisions are subject to endorsement by the main management of the university, which manages the funds allotted by the authorities and raised through tuitions.
JKUAT Nakuru-CBD Campus Managing Growth in the Kenyan Public Sector Case Study Solution
Without commanding the campus's own bank account, the director is unable to implement the initiatives he considers will allow the school. The problems that appear as a direct consequence of the arrangement offer an interesting perspective on the problems involved in managing a tiny subsidiary of a large public organization.
PUBLICATION DATE: February 12, 2013 PRODUCT #: W13024-PDF-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION