In the year 2012, Jim Rogers proclaimed Myanmar formally called Burma as among the best investment chances on the planet, by the Burmese political resistance as well as America. A sizable nation of nearly 70 million people with unbelievable natural resources, Myanmar is among the planet 's last remaining important frontier marketplaces.
A perspective into Myanmar's attempts to establish a brand new stock market, a capital market regime, an investment banking sector, and information systems is supplied via this Executive Focus interview with Sumiyuki Kazama, Senior Executive Managing Director, Asia Business Development Division, Daiwa Institute of Research. It must produce a capital market, Daiwa has been suggesting Maynmar since 1993.
Kazama's discussion of Daiwa and the many relationships between Myanmar government officials, the Japanese and Chinese authorities, the incoming Americans, as well as the opening of an autarchic, remote nation is mesmerizing. This interview is quite appropriate, given recent investment interest in Myanmar from myriad other countries world-wide.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about SALES & MARKETING