Heart of Darkness Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


A Novella Heart of Darkness revolves around Marlow, who in thenovelist shown as a person who is a thoughtful and contemplative sailor and travelled through river Congo to see Kurtz. In the Novel, Kurtz was known to be a perfectionist and a man with countless capabilities. Marlow travelled to Africa, Congo with a company and found extensive inadequacies and inhumaneness with the native dwellers of Africa.

On the contrary, the dirt and the brutality of the grand enterprisedistinct, largely with the jungle that was magnificent, emotionless and surrounded with a white men’sclearance. The jungle seemed little islands in between a massive blackness. Marlow came to his island because his steamship was broke and during this period, he got a chance to know about Kurtz.

The primary Character:

Kurtz was a dominant person of the inner station and known to be a major purpose of Marlow’s mission. The character of Kurtz in the Heart of Darkness is a person with unlimited talents. He was portrayed as a painter along with a musician. He was known to be a person with great leadership qualities. He was the man who believes that there is a great power of words to lead the team, in fact, this can be proved by his writings and the message given to Marlow at the time of his death. Kurtz was the most influential man in the novella, and his demise was due to his inclination to challenge the duplicitous rules of European colonialism.

A film Apocalypse was not the rearrangement of the novella Heart of Kindness. The film took this novella just for the sake of inspiration and thus, the general plot of the book and the film was similar although, the mission in both the scenarios was different. The narrator in the book was named as Marlow and Willard in the film. Both the narrators used the similar word to describe their situation in the story that was “the horror”.

This was the case in both the stories when Kurtz stated that he doesn’t like the smell of brutality and lies. In addition to this, another similar thing was the writings that both the narrators have found from the Kurtz, which states that kill all the brutes.

The character of Kurtz in the film was full of references and hints about the novella. Apocalypse now was the film that was made by referring the Heart of Darkness, but the book itself was much more in detail version. There was a high level of criticism of Heart of Darkness on colonialism. On the other hand, the Apocalypse was based on the absurdity of war. The issue that has been raised in the film was much broader in terms of an issue that has been raised in it.

Despite all these differences, the major and a considerable difference in the film and in the novel was the leading character “Kurtz”. In the novel, Marlow was shown more captivated with the character of Kurtz than Willard in Apocalypse Now. There is a fact that the character of Kurtz in the movie was not as much negative as it was in the book despite the fact that the characters died in a same way in the book and in the film as well.

In addition to this, the character was also similar in a way that there was no such need for material goods in fact, the only things that had been desired by him was extreme power and authority like of God. The character in the film was full of enormous charm and personified personality. His ability to rule the world, his voice tone and sharpness in his mind was enormous and out of the world. In Apocalypse Now, he was the one who had been successful in upgrading his military grade within no time. However, the obsession for ivory was missing in the film character. The main goal of the character was to find a self-governing kingdom and find nature where he can live and die with peace in his mind. He wanted to be out from the world of brutality and evils that he fined a sick world and almost impossible to live.

In the film, Kurtz was perceived as a right character because what he did was magnificent. Despite the fact, the ways he used to achieve his goals and objectives. The level and intensity of involvement felt by protagonist were much deeper in the film than in the book.  As far as the narrators are concerned, Marlow was perceived as a character that can be related to the Buddha, who is always ready to learn from his experiences. However, the character of Willard in the film was the one who was in a continuous fight with himself and tries to justify his past. He was the one who drinks a lot to make everything forget about the past..............................

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