Google Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Google Case Solution

Google’s Success in Search.

  • Google's success originated from its founders, Larry page, and Sergey Bin. They observed that the expansive, confused frame of material that was flowing into the web and that was controlled by ranking search results according to their popularity.
  • Furthermore, the management has not observed the decline in business, which generated millions from operational advertising and embracing some of the most challenging new ideas in the world of technology.
  • Google has innovation in search technology which made it the number #1 search engine in the world. Moreover, Google was continuously adding more information in the search engine which provided more flexibility to the users and increased the knowledge.
  • It was identified that Google was a purpose-built hardware company, which built all its servers and brought all the components directly through the manufacturers. In addition, Google operated the world's largest distributed computer system.
  • Furthermore, Google usually focused on the users’ experience first and then revenue, because the management believed that the better the user experience, the more quickly cash would flow.

Google Monopolize Search.

  • From the case analysis, it was expected that Google had become a monopoly in internet searching but other than this segment, it was not a monopoly. Moreover, Google always provides best suggestions to the users who cannot get any suggestions from other search engines.
  • Moreover, Google's monopoly did not come from coercion or anti-competitive practice. Instead, it was derived from offering a superior product.
  • Furthermore, there was a small barrier to any competitor to enter the market. Moreover, through Google's history, many capitalized businesses attempted to gain market share.
  • Google should monopolize the search engine by providing more information to the customers so as to avail more benefits from the search engine.
  • Furthermore, Google should be well-aware of its reality and should continue to use cash flows coming in from searches to invest in other ventures. However, some of these ventures such as Chrome, Android, Gmail, and YouTube have proved to be success regarding user engagement and retention.

Google Case Solution

Google’s Revenue Model

  • It was identified that Google had generated $75 million revenue from its proprietary advisement services and $52million from its websites.
  • Moreover, in order to gain the top spot in Google advertisement, advertisers hadto outbid each other, where the higher bids move dascended in the list while the low bids may not even have been displayed.
  • Furthermore, the remaining $8billion of Google's revenue came from an assortment of on-advertising related projects. Moreover, Google's core advertising business included a diverse set of projects from both online and offline businesses.
  • From the financial chart, it was expected that Google had generated high revenue in the past few years because of providing high-quality service to the customers and comingup with the solution of every problem. Moreover, it proved to be the world's best search engine regarding research and gathering information..................
  • This is just a sample partial case solution. Please place the order on the website to order your own originally done case solution.

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