In July 2014, nine months after they’d developed a collaborative workplace for independent video game developers in Phoenix, Arizona, the two creators of the Game CoLab were discussing the best way to move the business forward. Utilizing the Lean Startup method, they opened a coworking space where they may also hold assemblies, competitions and games cases and had designed their business model. Yet, the now face two challenges – declining membership as well as the requirement to shift to new place- a chance to work different organizations who want to “gamify” their digital offerings.
The establishers have four options : (1) remain persistent in keeping the coworking space notion, which has generated limited sales so far; (2) pivot their business model to focus more on building the local and virtual community with events and more economical, more adaptable memberships; (3) pursue corporate business for customized game development, either continuing or left the coworking space business; and (4) pursue a more important pivot whereby the company would eventually be a start-up incubator. T.S. Raghu is affiliated with Arizona State University.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION
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