Fambul Medical Practice Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Question No. 1 (a)

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Chief Information Officer (CIO) is an executive director responsible for management, implementation and monitoring of company information and computer technologies. It analyzes the benefits and improvements which will result from these technologies. Furthermore,itdevelops new IT strategies and links these with the business. Along with this,iteducatesthe business about the use of IT technologies.

Currently, Fambul Medical Practice (FMP) are facing many problems which can be solved after appointing a CIO. The main problems which can be solved by appointing a CIO are as follows:

FMP use papers to record their client’s data. Due to the paper system, the company is facing the problem of storage. The company has to save the data of their client so that the customer record can be established. Whereas,if the company use IT system, FMP can book a client appointment digitally hence the dissatisfaction of customer relating to booking can be resolved.

Along with this, the other main problem which can be solved by appointing a CIO is that the CIO can educate the staff of the company about how to operate a computer and intranet and how the dormant computers can be used effectively.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is a person responsible to monitor, evaluate and select new technologies. Itdetermines the technologies which will enhance the ROI of the company. Along with this,it helpsthe laypeople using the technology understand these strategic ideas.

Technology is essential for any organization. It plays a vital role in establishing a competitive position. In the current era, technologies are discovered for treatment purposes. Almostall treatments are doneusing technology. Even doctors use the internet for various treatments.

While in FMP the old method is followed for treatment purpose. The doctors use face-to-face method for patient care. However, as described above patients prefer an online treatment method and just want to meet with their doctor if the case is very serious. Due to use of this method, the patients are demotivatedand they say that the practice provided at FMP has not that quality which is provided elsewhere. By appointing a CTO above problems can be solved.

Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)

Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) is a person responsible for converting the intellectual capital into business value. A CKO is the person who designs the infrastructure and implements knowledge in the organization. Along with this, it creates knowledge, environment and collaboration between the workforces.

Currently, there are many problems which can be solved by appointing a CKO. Like in the past DR. Dean brought PC and LAN system in the organization. He intended to use this system to upgrade the organization’s appointment system of the patients and their records keeping, but due to his death nothing haschanged. Also, no one in the organization knows the actual use of this system except some. Along with this,the patients claim that they have not properly booked in for consultation this may be due to weak collaboration...........................

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