Driving towards a disruption? Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


Harvard business school target customers vary from corporate level managers to employees. Segmentation differs according to the nature of the educational program and costs associated with the program. Moreover, HBS targets those groups that can afford high standard business education and seeking job career progress. Furthermore, many customers purchase the programs to deliver access for their employees; it is also used as an integrated part of corporate learning products and services (B Keys, 1988).

Harvard Business School provides a numerous range of educational programs as well as custom programs. HBS product line includes articles, real life cases, role play activities, books, and stimulations. Moreover, HBS provides massive online courses to its students and employees of different organizations. Harvard Manage Mentor product is designed to help employees to handle corporate challenges on a daily basis. Harvard Manage Mentor offers different courses, text lessons, videos and audio from professionals and experts, skills assessment and development, and download document templates. Furthermore, Harvard business publishing is considered to be the strong source of present and future innovation in business publishing.


The dimensions of the performance of Harvard business school include flexibility, quality of education, student retention and innovation. Harvard Business School’s basic purpose is to provide quality education to its students and managers. The education of HBS includes the quality of cases, real life examples, and articles published by them. Moreover, flexibility is highly important for HBS in terms of program objectives, innovation, creativity, and time. Harvard continuously changes education system with changing a competitive world. Besides that, Harvard business publishing is considered to the strong source of present and future innovation in business publishing (Graham, 1992).

Furthermore, student retention and building loyalty is very important for any organization. HBS retains students by providing them quality education and deliver best teaching methods to enhance student’s career. Harvard Business School’s alumni are remarkably successful in extensive ranges of professions. However, HBS over serves its students by providing them extra material, hence, create extra pressure on students. The students and corporate managers sometimes feel stress from overloaded work pressure and unable to concentrate on their studies.


Yes, Harvard Business School is insulated from disruption because HBS is ranked at the top business school in the world. Moreover, HBS possesses the ability to overcome the changes in the education system and to remain ahead of the business education. A major strength of HBS is its strong network, and it is difficult to break the network. Their strong and well-developed alumni is also a strength of HBS. Moreover, they publish their articles and cases that are used by different learning institutions, and their publishing house supports the revenue(McDougall, 2015).

Furthermore, they offer online quality courses and materials to stay in the competition. The major competitors of HBS are Stanford University, Princeton University, and the University of Columbia that also offers the same quality of education. Lastly, Harvard business school started new innovative short term and long term programs that follow the quality of HBS.

Driving towards a disruption Case Solution


The strategy to build an ideal business school includes strong relationship with alumni by using recent development of the university. The basic motive of the school should be to provide quality and up-to-date education so that the students gain knowledge and skills that are necessary to achieve and sustain career goal and objective. Ideal business school not only targets those groups that can afford high standard business education but create equality and deliver education to all groups. The majority of people cannot afford high school business education. Therefore, the school provides them a scholarship or half fees to get the education (P Sola, 1990).

Business school initiates some real-life based projects and makes them solve the problems and drive recommendations. In this way, students can gain more knowledge, skills, and build a relationship with the school. Moreover, diversity among the students is very important, the teachers and the management conduct seminars and workshop to promote diversity in the school. Furthermore, the school developed an academic journal guide in business and management can publish their research projects. The ideal school should focus only on the corporate sector. Most importantly, the school should the professional teachers and professors who deliver quality learning to the students and also provide them training when school initiate new strategy or technology........................

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