CL420: Water Engineering 2 CL978: Water and Wastewater Treatment Design Project Design, part 2 Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

CL420: Water Engineering 2 CL978: Water and Wastewater Treatment Design Project Design, part 2

This city is one of the populated and biggest cities of Russia.The population of the city was 340,845 in the year 2015. The population of the city keep sin creasing with the basic requirement of humans as well as there are also some requirements to improve the environment of this city in order to maintain healthy environment. One of the main issues that could affect the health of people of Surgut is the waste water,which directly relates to the population growth as if the waste water enters the river then it will cause serious effect on people’s health. There are many projects done in Russia for the waste water system as well as there are some more requirements for these types of project in Russia as well in Surgut city.

The following graph shows the discharge of polluted waste waters in Russia water bodies.

 Russian federation for municipal waste includes the wealth of population, public services and climate. The solid municipal waste contributes in the collection of paper, card board, food waste, glass and leather. In addition to this, the activity directly reduces wastage in water. The following chart illustrates Russia’s amount of wastage related to each type.


Wastes generated in the reporting year

 (million tons)









In Russia,a 13 digit code is used to identify or classify each type of waste.The code for waste water and treatment in Russia is 95000000 00 00 0. Moreover,waste is continuously increasing in Russia every year. Moreover, the following table will show the increase in waste in the country.

 Therefore,the goal is to design the water treatment plant for Surgut city of Russia and this prime goal is to make the water of the city clean. This plant demonstrate show to produce clean water under different conditions.Ideally the water should be clean, colorless, and cool with pleasant taste. Another objective of this plant is to build water treatment plants that are reasonable for the people of Surgut city. In order to accomplish the goal, different measures have been taken e.g. The design plant based on engineering principles and operating conditions with respect to the city’s temperature. The main factors in which the quality of water in lake or rivers depends on are depth, climate, watershed and degree of impoundment.

Treatment process of waste water depends on the inlet water source and out water quality requirement. In the treatment process, different chemicals are used for processing and cleaning water,which are selected based on the cost and desired reaction.

The main principle for this plant of waste water treatment processes employed are as follows.

Rapid mix, Coagulation and flocculation, Sedimentation, Filtration, Disinfection, Softening, Ion exchange, Absorption, Reverse osmosis, Aeration, chemical feeding and sludge handling.

  Methodology and Results:

Waste Water Treatment system:

The treatment of waste water is the operation of biochemical and in this operation, all the chemicals cause a serious threat for human health. The efficiency of treatment system relates to the environment of the region....................

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