Keirsey Style Personality – Self Assessment Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Keirsey Style Personality – Self Assessment Case Solution


There are numerous personality traits identified by various authors relevant to management. These management theories help an individual with identifying and evaluating the attributes of their characteristics. The theories identify dynamics of empathy, motivation, and leadership that exist and can be determined from the behavior at different occasions. The behavior hence, used to assess the particular quality of the individual can be generated easily from general events, workplace, home, family, friends, and various social occasions. Therefore, it is easy to collect information on behavior at one place and identify attributes a person possesses. Understanding and evaluating the personality traits can be very helpful at a workplace. People  behave in their own manner because they possess different attributes than the rest. Hence, it is necessary to recognize and manage the workplace by observing other people’s behavior. The assessment of personality traits also helps in recruitment, management, teaching, and training (Adams). Among the leadership styles, Keirsey personality trait is one of the leadership styles.

Keirsey personality trait was first developed by Keirsey in 1978. The name of the book was ‘Please Understand Me'. Although it has been revised several times with changes in the tests results and influx of more theories of personality, The Keirsey model is still used for analyzing and understanding the key components of the human behavior and its qualities. There are four types of basic traits that were that Keirsey identified. The four traits are Artisans, Guardians, Rationalists and the Idealist. These four attributes are further divided into sixteen different kinds of traits. The four specified attributes are discussed below along with their sub-attributes' (Lussier, 2016).


The Guardians are usually hard working and helpful people. In their general life they are loyal to their friends and are responsible parents. As far as their leadership skills are concerned, they remain stabilized. At their workplace and other social surroundings, they are likely to be responsible, focused, dutiful, and humble. Guardians are associated  with traits like trustworthiness, authoritative, and just.


The Artisans are fun  loving, realistic, focused, and optimistic. They can be egocentric,  bold, and non-conformist. They tend to be playful mates and innovative as parents. Moreover, their knack for innovation makes their style of leadership one that focuses primarily on problems at head.  (Keirsey, 1984).


The Rationalists are usually the problem solver. They are skeptical and they rely on facts. They analyze things critically and try to resolve the problems themselves, rather than focusing on others. The rationalists tend to be more independent and headstrong. As far as their marital life is concerned, they tend to be very selective about their partner. As leaders, they are more calculated and strategic in nature. A rationalist relies on logic with decision-making. They are hungry for achievement and ever curios; they are more inclined towards technology and focus on how the world functions.


Idealists always focus on the bigger picture and tend to be more imaginative. They are enthusiastic about new ideas and are very receptive to their intuitions. Generally, Idealists tend to be more romantic and are good at maintaining strong relationships. In their general life, they are the kindhearted, loving, likely to be spiritual, insightful of human nature and they are more likely to be trust worthy. In addition, they tend to be very encouraging parents. As leaders, they yearn to inspire. ................

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