Weight Solutions Clinic: Bariatric Surgery Centre Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Weight Solutions Clinic: Bariatric Surgery Centre Case Solution

Question 2

Different scenarios are to be considered while calculating the lead-time of patients for the surgery process. Four processes are identified in order to know the minimum time to cover the surgery steps from first appointment until the discharge.

  Activities Duration Preceding Est Eft Lst Lft Slack
A First Appointment 5 - 0 5 0 5 0
B Initial Consultation 30 A 5 35 5 35 0
C Preliminary Test Request 10 B 35 45 35 45 0
D Test 1 Appointment 5 C 45 50 45 50 0
E Test 1 60 C 45 105 45 105 0
F Pre-Surgery Appointment 5 C 45 50 45 80 -
G Visit with surgeon 15 F 50 65 80 95 -
H Additional test 30 G 65 95 95 115 -
I Pre-Surgery Visit 20 G 65 85 115 145 -
J Surgery Preparation 30 I 85 115 145 175 -
K Operating  Room Preparation 15 J 115 130 145 160 -
L Team Prep 15 J 115 130 145 160 -
M Open Surgery 45 J,K,L 130 175 175 181 -
N Check-ups  After Surgery - Open 6 M 175 181 181 211 -
O Follow-up 30 N 181 211 211 0 -
Mean 22
Standard Deviation 23.61144
Lead Time 180
New adjusted time 150
P 1.270571
Z-Score 89.80%

 Cash: Open Surgery (Excluding the seminar)

If the average patients would perform the process of paying the cash instead of reimbursement from insurance, then the lead-time would decrease due to the additional time spend under the case of insurance approval of the document of surgery.

It has been analysed that only five slacks would perform the zero value due to the need of the process and pre-requisite of surgery. The average lead-time to spend under the case was 180 days of the patient, but the expected time is assumed 150, due to the time reduction of seminar from the process. In conclusion, the project can be accomplished with at 89.80% chance.

  Activities Duration Preceding Est Eft Lst Lft Slack
A First Appointment 5 - 0 5 0 5 0
B Initial Consultation 30 A 5 35 5 35 0
C Preliminary Test Request 10 B 35 45 35 45 0
D Test 1 Appointment 5 C 45 50 45 50 0
E Test 1 60 C 45 105 45 105 0
F Pre-Surgery Appointment 5 C 45 50 45 80 -
G Visit with surgeon 15 F 50 65 80 95 -
H Additional test 30 G 65 95 95 115 -
I Pre-Surgery Visit 20 G 65 85 115 145 -
J Surgery Preparation 30 I 85 115 145 175 -
K Operating  Room Preparation 15 J 115 130 145 160 -
L Team Prep 15 J 115 130 145 160 -
M Open Surgery 75 J,K,L 130 205 175 205 0
N Check-ups  After Surgery - Open 6 M 205 211 205 211 0
O Follow-up 30 N 211 241 211 241 0
Mean 27.6
Standard Deviation 27.0
Lead Time 210
New adjusted time 180
P 1.11
Z-Score 86.65%

Cash: Laparoscopic (Excluding the seminar)

On the other side, if certain activities would perform under the case of Laparoscopic, then the average time would increase due to the estimated lead-time of patient with 210 days to cover. Therefore, with high standard deviation of the slack duration, the company would have a chance to complete a net result of 86.65% under the particular scenario...............

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