The Implementation Planning Model: Steps To Success Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


An appropriate start up strategy is necessary for the start-up process as in the absence of an appropriate start up strategy the top management of the company would not be able to figure the mission, vision, goal, purpose and objective of the company. This is necessary because its absence would lead to following issues:

  • The top management of the company would not be able to stick to the mission vision goals and purpose of the company.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to figure out the methodologies to run the operations of the company efficiently and effectively.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to figure out whether how much cost is required to start the operations of the company efficiently and effectively.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to identify the potential target market where the company should focus its operations in order to ensure robust growth of the company.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to formulate the organisational structure efficiently and effectively.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to formulate an effective organisational environment and organisational culture of the company efficiently and effectively.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to formulate the annual targets of the company efficiently and effectively.
  • There would be a lack of role clarity among the employees of the company.
  • Due to role ambiguity, the overall motivational level of the employees would be considerably reduced.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to justify what to employ and where to lead the company.
  • This would also create hurdle for the top management of the company in formulating the annual budgets of the company.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to identify the potential opportunities for the growth of the company.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to evaluate the perceived threats for the company efficiently and effectively.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to identify the potential resources of the company efficiently and effectively.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to evaluate the strategies of its competitors efficiently and effectively.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to evaluate the overall market competition of the company efficiently and effectively.
  • Since the company is formed by the merger of 3 different companies, lack of start-up strategy would become hurdle for the company to understand the contextual backgrounds of the employees of the company.
  • Lack of start-up strategy would also become hurdle for the top management of the company in removing the contextual differences of the employees of diversified contextual backgrounds of the company efficiently and effectively.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to communicate the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the company efficiently and effectively.
  •  The top management of the company would not be able to schedule the targets of the company over the period of time efficiently and effectively.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to identify the potential targets for strategic alliances which would help the top management of the company in domestic as well as global expansion.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to identify whether the company should be a private company or whether the company would work for US Government.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to identify and set the pace of growth of the company.
  • The top management of the company would not be able to identify the target customers of the company, and hence would not be able to identify the needs of the customers with respect to the products and services of the company.

The Implementation Planning Model Steps To Success Case Solution


In order to develop a comprehensive start-up strategy in order to address the afore-mentioned problems efficiently and effectively, the top management of the company would have to gather the necessary resources in order to implement an effective start up strategy.

These resources would include the following.

A Strong and Skilled Human Resource Department:

The top management of the company should develop a highly skilled human resource department. This would ensure that the workforce hired by the company bears necessary skills to compete strongly in the challenging environment...............................

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