This case depicts the present and future challenges faced by The Tantramarsh Club, more generally known as The Pub, Mount Allison University’s (MTA) non profit club. The Pub had experienced several years of fiscal issues, nevertheless, the 2007 / 08 year was expected to be a year that was financially sound.
Members of the board, who were involved in discussions around the future of The Pub, were secondary protagonists in the case. Scooter and the board had to determine the most appropriate business model for The Pub as it went to its new place. The case attracts attention to a changing external environment and the impact this had upon The Pub. Opposition in Sackville was friendly, but relatively ferocious. The most important consumer group pupils, for The Pub, were price fickle, sensitive and quick to go onto an alternate pub if a competitor offered something more appealing. National trends increased spending on food and signaled less spending on alcoholic beverages. Also, campus pubs across the country were altering their business models, moving from a focus on booze to food and diversified entertainment options.
The Pub Survive Thrive or Die Case Study SolutionPUBLICATION DATE: January 15, 2010 PRODUCT #: NA0084-PDF-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION
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