THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

What chapter or topic did you find most enlightening?

After reading the book completely and comprehensively, the most enlightening chapter that I found is “leadership as work”.
Why did you select the chapter/topic?

I chose this topic because it has a high potential to add massive value into any business as well as effective leadership is very crucial for the success of any business or organisation. In addition to this, Peter has corrected a huge misunderstanding with respect to the concept of leadership, as most of the people think that the key element for the effective leadership is Charisma.

However, in real, the most crucial aspect of effective leadership is considering leadership as a responsibility as well as making back breaking efforts to fulfil and achieve the overall organisational goals efficiently and effectively.

In addition to this, there are many organisations, which are facing the following problems due to ineffective leadership or lack of leadership.

Increasing Conflicts:

An organisation in which there is a lack of leadership skills among employees or there are no leaders, then as a result conflicts among employees rise in such organisations on the day to day basis. Due to lack of effective leadership skills among the top management of such company, they are unable to resolve or eliminate the rising conflicts efficiently and effectively.
Decrease in overall motivation and morale of the employees:

A leader motivates his followers by different means in order to ensure their job loyalty as well as in order to enhance their overall efficiency of the performance. An organisation in which there are no leadership skills among the management of the company then in that case the management of the company is unable to motivate the employees efficiently and effectively.

Thus, due to lack of motivation and morale among the employees of the organisation, their overall performance decreases which poses a significant negative effect on the overall business of the company.

Increase in overall employee turnover:

Due to lack of leadership in the organisation, the overall working environment gets deteriorated over the period of time, as employees are overburdened as well as there is an increased level of frustration among the employees. Thus, this increases the overall employee turnover of the company, which also affects negatively in the interest of the company.

Lack of team work:

Team work is also a crucial element for the organisational success. An effective leader promotes the culture of team as well as he also encourages the team work of the employees. Thus, lack of effective leadership results in lack of team work in the organisation, which further creates a significant negative impact on the overall performance and efficiency of the organisation.......

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