Store Operations Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Store Operations Case Solution

Time and interest analysis:

In order to increase the productivity of the store operations various online data analytic tools should be used. This will provide effective guidelines to the system to determine the interest of the customers like to determine who are potential customers for the available products at storesite and keep an eye on the time dynamics of the orders like how much time it would require for the company to deliver product from the store to the end consumer.

Effective security measures:

For stores with inventories available in bulk, theft is very likely to happen increasing the costs of the company. In order to avoid such unforeseen circumstance effective security measures must be taken and implanted properly.


A planogram is used to improve efficiency of the shelves so that more products could be adjusted in limited shelves. Effective planograms also helps the business to generate more revenue by efficiently fulfilling the inventory requirements and addressing varied orders in an organized manner. So in order to achieve that, planogram should be planned in a very systematic way considering the type and size of inventories.

Integration planning:

Implementing integration is the most effective approach of managing variety of operations for a particular business just like in the case of dark stores. Hence before launching the dark stores it is important for the company to implement integration overall the store operations.

Staff recruitment and training:

The planning done to recruit and train the staff for a particular store operations is also a very crucial step before launching the dark stores. With an ineffective staff and untrained workers all the planning would do no good to the stores in fact it would deteriorate the overall planning.

By following all the mentioned plans and working accordingly the company would be able to target 2-minute picking time with suitable locations, effective staff, integrated operations and efficient resources.

Answer no. 3:

Our strategy to optimize the found rate as well as fill is to implement effective integration and communication among overall departments as well as store. If there is strong integration between the stores, it would help the stores to know about how much inventory is available on different stock, which store location would be able to address the demand most effectively. Through integration every store would be able to communicate each other and do planning accordingly. It would help the store in effective inventory management with lower cost structures. This strategy would ultimately lead to higher found and fill rates................................

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