Review- Network Typologies Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Review- Network Typologies The Case Solution

In a ring typology, all the computers are connected to each other, in a form of a ring, i.e. each computer is connected to the other.Whereby, the last one is connected to the first computer. The key features of a ring typology are detailed as below

In order to transfer the data within a ring typology; repeaters are used, which helps the data to transfer between the devices, thereby preventing the data loss. Generally, the transmission in ring typology is unidirectional, but a bidirectional transmission can be built between the nodes, which is referred to as “Dual Ring Typology”. The data is transferred in a sequential form, between the nodes; whereby, the data has to pass through different nodes in order to reach the final destination.

In a ring typology, the high traffic network and additional number of nodes do not impact the network transmission, as the nodes with tokens have an authority to transmit the data. The ring typology is easy to install and expand, and it is quite inexpensive.

The key disadvantage of a ring typology is that the failure of a single computer would destroy the whole network system. The network gets affected by the addition or removal of computers from the system. It is difficult to troubleshoot in a ring typology network.

Mesh typology refers to a point to point connection between different computers, whereby the nodes are connected to each other. In order to link the devices; mesh typology has n (n-1)/2 physical channels. The key features of mesh typology involve a full and robust connection between the devices, which is inflexible(Java Point, 2018). The network is transmitted within a mesh typology through two techniques, which are: routing or flooding.

In partial mesh typology; the network connection is similar to the mesh typology network, but only a few devices are connection to two or more devices.

In a full mesh typology, each and every nodes is connected to all the other nodes in the network typology.

Each connection in a mesh typology is able to handle its relevant data load. The problems or faults can be identified easily in mesh typology network. This network typology maintains the privacy and data security.

Installation and configuration of mesh typology is difficult.Massive wiring is required, and the cabling cost within the mesh typology is higher.

The tree typology involves a hierarchy, whereby there is a root node, to which all the other nodes are connected. There are at least three levels of hierarchy in tree typology network. The key features of tree typology are that the tree typology network is used in wide area networks and it works best when workstation are located in the form of groups.

It is an extension of the bus and the star typologies, whereby the nodes’ expansion is quite easy and possible to implement.The tree typology can be implemented and maintained in a convenient manner. In tree typology; the errors can be detected easily.

The tree typology is costly to implement, as it requires heavy cabling. The maintenance of a tree typology gets difficult if more nodes are added to the network. As all the nodes are dependent on single hub, the failure of hub leads to the failure of network among all the nodes.

Lastly, we have a hybrid typology, which is created by combining two or more typologies. For instance, if ether are different departments in a particular office, one departments using a ring typology and the other department is using a start typology, then a hybrid typology can be created between the two department through the star and the ring typology networks. The hybrid typology key features are based upon the notion that it is a combination of two or more typologies and the over all advantages and disadvantages of different typologies will be inherited by the hybrid typology.

The hybrid typologies have different sets of benefits. First of all, the hybrid typology is the most reliable network typology, as it helps the companies in detecting the errors. In addition the trouble shooting in a hybrid network typology is convenient as compared to other network typologies. In addition........................

Review- Network Typologies The Case Solution

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