Project Part 1 Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Project Part 1 Case Study Solution

Part 1 (B)

Project Summary:

The goal of this project is to measure the students’ compression / stress levels while studying when they are listening to music with lyrics, listening to music without lyrics (instrumental music) or studying in complete silence. This study will investigate the best environment for students to focus, learn and retain information when they are studying.

Project Details:

The purpose of this research project is to identify and measure students’ stress or compression when:

  • They are studying while listening to music with lyrics in their native language.
  • They are studying while listening to instrumental music (music without lyrics)
  • They are studying in a completely silent environment, free from any sort of music or any background noise or distraction.

This study will be conducted by employing the sampling technique. Total three control groups of students will be formed for the experiment.  First research group will study while listening to music with lyrics, second research group will study while listening to music without lyrics (instrumental music) and third research group of students will study in complete silence without any distraction. Research control groups are made in-order to avoid any form of ambiguity and to provide concrete evidence. Research group of students will consist of multiple students, belonging to all genders, to obtain concrete evidences. Students will be observed while trying to study in different background conditions, i.e. studying with or without music. After the experiment, students of all research groups will be tested on their ability to retain information that they gathered via studying during the experiment phase. This will help in creating concrete evidence in either the favour or in against of either studying while listening to lyrical music, studying while listening to non-lyrical music or studying in complete silence. Data of the participants will be kept private while analyzing the result. This project study will help the educational institutions (Schools, colleges and universities) to create a productive environment for their students, where they can study to their full potential, without being stressed or distracted. Results that will be collected from this experiment, will be evaluated using the SPSS tool using ANOVA statistical test.

Focus Group:

The focus group for this study are students belonging to all genders. Students are divided into three control groups. Before conducting this experiment, participants would be required Toto sign a consent form.

Part 1 (C)

“Measuring Students’ Compression While Studying: A Study to Investigate the Effects of Lyrical Music, Non-Lyrical Music or Silence on Studying.”


This study investigates the relationship between listening to lyrical, non-lyrical music, silence and a student’s ability to study and retain information. The aim of this research is to measure the students’ comprehension during different studying-environments,which involves noise in form of lyrical and non-lyrical music and complete silence. Participants of this study are students belonging to all the genders.

Research Question:

What effect will students have when studying while listening to music with lyrics, listening to music without lyrics or complete silence?


Our research will help institutions in designing a near perfect and productive environment for their students to study in.

Proposed Methodology:

There will be3 control groups for this study. The first group will listen to lyrical music, the second group will listen to non-lyrical music and the third group will study in complete silence. After the experiment is completed, all the groups will be tested on their ability to recall information that they gathered while studying in the controlled environment. This will provide evidence in the support of either music or silence. ANOVA statistical test will used in SPSS, to generate results for this study...................

This is just a sample partial case solution. Please place the order on the website to order your own originally done case solution.

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