Keeping Google Googley Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


In order to maintain the Googley philosophy of the company, there are certain models which need to be implemented, in order to gain more competitive advantage and sustaining the corporate culture.

keeping google googley case solution

keeping google googley case solution


John Kotter’s 8 step model will help Kim Scott to address the basic issues and problems, and how to overcome this issue.

Create urgency

Urgency sustains change; the management of the Google creates a sense of urgency about the task in hand, and get the right team to work together to bring a transformational change.Google should take certain steps in order to bring flexibility in the organization such as, flat organizational structure should be removed, and Conesus oriented decision making strategy should be changed. It is hard for the complex organizations to stay out of the bureaucracy.

The company should avoid the bureaucracy by visualizing the desired result and maintaining focus on achieving the targets. Apart from that, reducing lack of visually and guaranteeing international consistency. Corporate development department are responsible to bring effective change in the corporate culture. The Human Resource department should hire qualified employees to bring more productivity and future growth of the organization.

Form a powerful coalition

In this step, Kim should convince employees of the organization that change is necessary because some employees are living in the status quo, they do not want the change in their lives. Kim should understand that managing change is not necessary, as shehas to lead it. In order to lead change, it is very important to make employees feel that they are entrepreneurs and to encourage them to bring their innovative ideas. She should work on team building on change coalition.

Creating a vision for change

Kim should determine the value of the employees and the company by creating a vision. A strategy to move flat organization into functional because a manger cannot handle so many reports and pressure, for that flexibility is important. Management should lift the organization and make life more exiting. Insurance department creates an insurance plan for all the employees for their safety and security. Before creating a vision, it is necessary to consult the legal department, in order to know is this policy is applicable according to law.

Communicate the vision

Kim should communicate the vision of the company with the employees to determine the future success. Employees kept themselves in check to ensure that they are considered Googley and not Dilberty. Top-down strategy should be implemented because employees would prefer to figure out the best way to do something on their own. Employees would rather be mentored than manage.

Remove obstacles

This is the most important step in the change management process. In order to reduce slow decision making, Kim should empower consensus decision makings that works creativity to include all people in the decision making strategy. However, Conesus leads took time and often create complexity in majority decisions. In order to overcome conflicts in decision making, make sure employees understand the motive of the problem, ensure every member contributes their ideas and knowledge related to the subject, split up the meeting to deal with several issues in parallel and come back with platter proposal, and try to make sure that time is allowed in the agenda to challenge the issues adequately. Consensus is about participation and equal opportunity, this process will overcome the slow decision making.

Furthermore, to recognize the innovation, Kim should hire managers, who didn’t crush innovation but rather embrace it. Moreover, employees prefer to be mentored, rather than managed. The management should bring the top down strategy because it provides a level of control and help to accomplish the goals.

Keeping Google Googley Case Solution

Google managers should be aware of the potential lack of visibility and proposed a strategy to provide more transparency, so that the employees must aware of the company’s policies and procedures. The managementmust involve innovative and creative ideas of the employees to bring more benefits to the organization.

Lastly, guarantee international consistency by creating a balance between the culture diversity and cultural homogeneity among Google offices around the world.

Create a short-term wins

Small fixes and conflicts should be implemented quickly, without the burden of the cross-functional process. Apart from that,employees should be motivated to bring continuous improvement in the organization. Kim should talk at every opportunity about the change vision and listen to feedback on this vision. The concept of having a meeting to discuss ideas rather than making decisions has another success for the company...........................

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