JMP Statistical Data Analysis Report Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


With the changing trends in this world, ride-hailing services isthe emerging idea in the transportation industry. Fast-paced urbanization and population growth in Asian countries have brought very complex mobility challenges. The innovation in technologies has brought some new companies to provide online transportation network services.

The aim is the provision of an inclusive transport system that has the ability to move the masses at environmentally sustainable, publically acceptable as well as in a financially affordable manner and also helps in providing economic growth for the society. But, the currently operated on-ground publicly transportation system has been very unsuccessful in providing the least standard level of mobility that is in accordance with the socio-cultural and financial affordability of its users (Vasconcellos, 2014).

Due to inaccessibility and inferior quality of public transport, travelers are more eager to follow app based transport rather than conventional transport. For that reason, there is a need to investigate the factors which influence customer intention to use these ride-hailing services. This study further identifies the market segment that has thetrait of innovativeness higher than others. This study adapts literature statements to develop survey questionnaire to collect data from 250 ride-hailing users belonging to the age bracket of 18-45.

The independent factors used for the study include perceived convenience, perceived price and perceived safety. Moreover, the innovativeness has been used as a moderator. The categorical questions have also been included such as age, gender, income, and occupation for analyzing the statistical data of 250 responses.

The data has been extracted from primary source by getting 250 questionnaires filled by including the questions on a Likert scale of 1 to 5 and the responses were recorded in JMP software for the further analysis.

Objectives of the Statistical Analysis:

  • The first objective of the analysis is to test whether the customer intends to use ride-hailing services significantly affected by perceived accessibility, perceived price and perceived safety or not?
  • Consumer innovativeness moderates the relationship of perceived convenience, perceived price, and perceived safety with respect to the customer intends to use ride-hailing
  • Customer’s intention to use ride-hailing service is significantly different from male and female, age groups, income levels, education levels and occupation.

Hypothesis Testing:

Ho1:Customer’s intention to use ride-hailing services isnot significantly affected by perceived accessibility, perceived price and perceived safety.

Ho2:Consumer innovativeness does not moderate the relationship of perceived convenience, perceived price, and perceived safety with respect to the customer’sintention to use ride-hailing services.

Ho3: Customer’s intention to use ride-hailing service is not significantly different from male and female, age groups, income levels, education levels and occupation.

Sampling Method

The sample size of this study was calculated through multivariate method developed by (Hair & Black, 2009)in which 50 responses of each variable is required. The total variables of this study are ten that resulted in a sample size of 250. The study is based on non-probability sampling because the whole population of ride hailers were inaccessible for us. The data was collected from convenience and snowball methods as introduced by (Sekaran & Bougie, 2014).......................................

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