HP Change Management Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


HP Change Management Case Solution


HP (Hewlett-Packard) is an American Multinational Company that deals with Information Technology.  In 1939, William Bill Redington Hewlett and David Packard established HP in Palo Alto, California. It provides a variety of hardware components. Moreover, it delivers services related to software to its customers. It caters to a wide market as its customers. Various government organizations along with education sector and healthcare sector are its customers as well.

HP has remained market leader from 2007 to 2013 among PC manufacturing companies. The company’s main line of manufacturing and developing includes data storage, designing software, networking hardware, and delivery of different services. Furthermore, its basic customers are Small and Medium-sized business households and enterprises. Moreover, it sells its products through online distribution channels, office supplies’ retailers, and consumer-electronic outlets. Technology vendors and software partners are also major contributors for the business of HP.

From the beginning, Bill and Dave carried out with the culture of innovation that has been associated with HP ever since. These innovative products are continuously selling around the world. Moreover, the company ranks among top 500 in the world, HP has tremendous market share in computing of 17% all over the world. After several crisis and management issues, it is able to maintain its position among the top ranked companies of Information Technology.

HP began its journey from a garage. After developing the garage into organization, Bill and Dave continued to strive for the innovation in the manufacturing products related to information technology. During World War II, HP served United States of America in its defense projects, which included Counter-Radar technology and other artillery shell fuses. However, after World War II, there was no longer need of such technology. The projects during World War II allocated approx. $1 million sales of HP.

In addition, HP continued using innovation in its business. At this time, HP used health insurance plan for its entire organization. In 1940s, the practice of taking care of employees in businesses was rare. Despite this, the insurance policy was allocated for all the employees of the organization. During 1950s, HP further focused on its innovation; for instance, Microwaves, which opened the path of growth and expansion for the organization. However, the organizational culture and innovation have led HP towards organizational growth......................

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