GEs Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welchs Leadership Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Solution # 3

Jack Welch not only concentrated on the core competencies but also diversified the markets in different segments efficiently and effectively. Jack Welch focused on both product development and market development at global level in order to capture the market and kept in bringing creativity and innovation in order to gain an edge in the industry.  He had taken lot of initiatives in order to effectively manage his diversification strategies; there were initiatives at the global level. In addition, he said that no company was global, however, this was a wrong concept rather than businesses were global. One of the other initiatives which Jack Welch took was about changing the mindset of employees and to produce leaders as well; this was also very helpful in large complex diversified markets.

Another initiative that Jack Welch took was to revise the compensation package for the employees by converting it into performance based system and offering bonuses along with other incentive and compensation to them in order to motivate and encourage them so that they achieved organization’s goals and objectives.; this contributed significantly to the Jack Welch’s mission and objective (Reddy, 2009). He also established new human resource system for employees in order to bring a new change in the company. With the help of these initiatives, GE training focus increased and there were a lot of new leaders who entered in the company and played a vital role. Welch’s objective was to bring GE at the top and he succeeded a lot in his mission (Peter Nordin, 1998).

Solution # 4

             Jack Welch played a significant role in the development of the GE’s business process and divisions. His leadership style brought new idea, creative thinking, vision and uniqueness capabilities that favored GE efficiently and effectively for a decade. Talking about his leadership criteria, he introduced 360o feedback process in which every team member in the organization was judged and compensated on the basis of performance awarded by his manager on the scale of 1 to 5 that covers quality, focus, vision and team building. Jack Welch illustrated it as evaluation process and linked it with the human resource planning; the 360o feedback process provided the ways in order to recognize training needs, coaching opportunities and career planning.

            Welch also focused on boundary less organization and named it as “integrated diversified”, open minded working environment also played a dominant role as it was friendly towards the achievement of sharing new ideas and innovations. ‘Work-Out’ and ‘best practices’ initiatives brought new vision for the employees and the concept of boundary less organization favored GE’s company policies and procedures significantly (Stephen P Robins, 2007). Boundary less organization brought improvements and removed the flaws in engineering, manufacturing, marketing, sales and customer needs. Jack Welch’s approach initiatives also implemented related diversification, joint ventures and acquisitions strategy that also provided benefits to the GE. Another initiative while leading the GE, Jack Welch implemented ‘Six-Sigma Quality’ focus, which further brought improvement in the quality and played a vital role in GE’s success. All these initiatives and strategies of Jack Welch brought innovative thinking, new idea, change in organization’s culture, new vision, mission and energy in the organization (Adams, 2003)...................................

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