As we start our high school education, we start to plan and aim for the careers of our choice. As we progress with our education, we set some goals which we want to attain and achieve. The goals related to our education, the things we want to achieve in life the determinants of our success and failure and the career we want to opt for. We make ourselves ready to face the challenges which might hinder us to reach our destination and to achieve our goals. Those challenges must be dealt appropriately to achieve the desired goals.
As one completes his higher education, the question that arises in everybody’s life is that whether he/she should seek employment in an established firm or go for launching his own unique venture. The aspects through which one can analyze the situation depends on the personal interest and choices that he had and the goals that he has aimed for.
Many people want to get employed in a firm just after completing the education so that they would not waste any time. On the other hand, some people are mentally prepared that they should start their own business and they have planned a way to start the venture which can be called anybody’s dream venture.
If I talk about myself, after completing my high school education, I considered launching my venture and fulfilling my dream to be a successful entrepreneur rather than seeking the job. Employment also provides good opportunities but being an entrepreneur would be the best thing one could do after completing MBA education. Everybody has his point of view, and in my opinion, one could utilize the best of his capabilities by launching his potential venture and getting the fruits and profits of own established enterprises.
There are many reasons for which we can say this entrepreneurship is better than employment the core reasons can be summarized as:
- By establishing our venture, we do what we want to do. And this gives us the satisfaction that we have achieved our goal. By owning our own business, we can be flexible in our approach and in determining the way and mean of performing the work. Repetition of tasks is not there. The owner gets a chance to master in all the departments, and he is his boss, and he doesn't follow anyone’s defined rules but devise his rules.
- The other and the most important reason which in my opinion makes the entrepreneurship the best approach is the perspective of continuous growth. As an entrepreneur, we always grow and walk on the growth paths. The business we establish grows and provides opportunities for the next generation. They do not have to start from the scratch and get the benefits of name and fame that have already established. There is no end to growing to expand and to get the best from the venture. While being an employer one would not get such opportunities.
On the other hand, if there are pros of entrepreneurship there would also be some pros lies in employment. Being an employer one could get the following benefits:
- One of the main benefits of having employment is getting fixed amount of money after a fixed amount of time. The person doesn't need to survive without money and bearing risk and uncertainty which is any venture’s inherent characteristic. If a person wants to be safe and needs surety about the money, then employment should be considered.
- Financial balance could be achieved by having employment. If a person does not have a business mindset than having employment is the best possible opportunity he could achieve. Not everybody is capable of managing the money and funds and utilizing them to the best of the advantage that it could get. Moreover, if the person does not have enough funds, then in that case he can get employed for a short period of time................
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