Contribution of Art/Design to Social and Political movement Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Social Movement

It is difficult to define social movement. It is not a political party having access to political power and it is also not an unorganized crowd without any goals and objectives. Social movements consist of people and institutions having a clear goal against a well-definedopponent. The goals can be the introduction or cancellation of a policy or it may require a broad cultural change(RESEARCH STARTERS, n.d.).

Four stages of social movement were identified by Herbert Blumer. The stages identified were “social ferment”, “popular excitement”, “formalization” and “institutionalization”. Over the years, these names have changed to the Emergence, Coalescence, Bureaucratization, and decline(RESEARCH STARTERS, n.d.).

Emergence stage is an initial stage of the movement. People are dissatisfied with the policies of the opponent, but they do not take any action to address issues. They are also not organized at the stage.  There is no action taken in a collective manner. For instance, they may havediscussed their grievances with family and friends or write a newspaper article about the matter. In this stage, media have already started covering the issue and a social organization has emerged to support the cause(RESEARCH STARTERS, n.d.).

On the Coalescence stage, discontent is widespread amongst people and they come to know about other peoples' views on the issue. It is the stage when people feel the need to have a collective approach to social movement. In this stage leadership erupts and strategies are formulated. Mass demonstrations may also occur to display social movements’ power and to make clear demands(RESEARCH STARTERS, n.d.).

The third stage is bureaucratization. At this stage, groups become more organized. The knowledge level and awareness about the issue reaches to anextent that a coordinated approach is required to further the cause. Specialist staff is required to carry out various functions to further the cause of the social movement. By this stage, political elites have recognized the growing social movement, allowing the people to meet political elites and raise their concerns to get a solution(RESEARCH STARTERS, n.d.).

The last stage in the process is decline which can take place through repression, co-optation, success and failure(RESEARCH STARTERS, n.d.).

Political Art

Political art has three categories of portrayal, promotion and projection. Portrayal artist describes conditions of the people they are in due to the political structures or government they have. The political perspective exists in the art shown. For instance, a painting showing that a black man is whipped by the white man implies that black man wants to show how they are treated due to the existence of the current political structure.The effect of this art can be positive and negative. This art may create awareness amongst people and unite people to work against the injustice. It could also bring a thought in the mind of the oppressed that nothing can be done against the injustice(Croidheáin, 2010).

Promotion art shows the struggle of people who are involved in the struggle to resolve the issue. This type of art instills confidence in other people that if their colleagues can fight against the injustice, they should also step in to bring change(Croidheáin, 2010).

Projection art says takes different elements of the movements and merges them to form a new image. It is an art that shows what could happen if people involved continue their struggle. Art styles such as Surrealism, collage, utopian images comes under this category. For instance, a picture showing the Rock of Cashel (ancient fortress in Co Tipperary, Ireland) with a Japanese bullet train depicts the possibility of a super-fast transport system in Ireland(Croidheáin, 2010).

Contribution of Art Design to Social and Political movement Case Solution

Contribution of Art/designs to Social or Political Movement

The arts and designs portray the main objective of the social movement and is a tool to make people understand the cause of movement. The Arts and Craft movement had an objective to bring people back to craftsmanship as opposed to the industrial revolution with mass production lines. At that time, architecture, furniture making and interior designs were displayed to further the cause(THE ARTS AND CRAFTS MOVEMENT 1880 to 1910, n.d.).

The arts and designs supported economic and social reformsat that time with the help of many Arts andIndustry association which promoted the rural handicrafts. This movement also influenced other movements such as Bauhaus and modernism.  This movement advocates that manufactured goods should not be bought for the benefits they offer, but for their looks(THE ARTS AND CRAFTS MOVEMENT 1880 to 1910, n.d.).................

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