Change Management Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


This model was developed in 1980’s and is still in fashion, it was developed by Robert Waterman and Tom Peters. This model was developed when they were functioning as consultants at the Mckinsey & company consulting firm, the model is based on 7 internal factors that need to be constructively working together in order for the company to be successful.

The model can be used for multiple prospective, whether it be performance improvement, impact of future changes, alignment of departments or best way to implement strategy under consideration.

The seven elements are classified into two categories that are Hard Elements and Soft Elements.

Hard elements are within the management control and can be changed without any concern; they are called hard elements as they are materialized and tangible. Whereas, the soft element are not within the management control and will take a lot of effort from the management to change them as these are intangible elements.

Looking at these elements separately shows us what each individual element comprises of,

 Strategy: Plan formulated to achieve the ultimate objective of the company.

Structure: It is the hierarchical structure of the organization defining the span of control.

Systems: The established procedures to conduct daily task within and outside the organization.

Shared Values: They describe the culture developed over time within the organization, representing values and work ethics.

Style: It represents the type of leadership within the company.

Staff: It represents all the employees of the company.

 Skills: Ability and capabilities of the staff.

To bring change and manage it in a company, the management changes the hard elements and gives staff the time to adapt to it, those who agree to it continue but usually it results in delaying and new staff has to be hired in order to construct a new image on the change implemented.


“Leading Change” was the book that was released by John Kotter that describes 8 steps to manage change. John Kotter was a professor at Harvard Business School at in-depth knowledge on change, which he wrote in 1995. The 8 steps are as follows,

Create Urgency

Need of change should be there so that it can take place in reality. In this way change can take place instantly and it will also motivate individuals to follow the change.

Statistical result are not sufficient to conclude the need for change, the management has to convince the people with straightforward honest dialogue and to inform them what can happen if the change does not take place.

Form a Powerful Coalition

To make the people believe in the concept of need for change, the management has to step up and act as a strong leader to manage and lead the change.

Group of individuals who are influencer within the organization should be given power to lead the change because they have the power to bring the change. With this team, the organization has to focus has to upon urgency the need for change.

Create a Vision for Change

The idea of change will bring a lot of visions for how the change should be conducted and what should be achieved that company should focus on establishing a vision, which is clear and memorable that will enable the people to visualize the final result and motivate themselves, which will let them know what their effort are aiming at.

Communicate the Vision

A reminder of the vision has to be made every now and then as the success of the vision will tell how much strictly one is committed, which will make the communication of the vision a very important task. Moreover, the management should themselves implement the vision in their daily work that people will follow if the boss is leading the way........................................

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