Business Canvas Model: A Reflective Summary Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Business Canvas Model: A Reflective Summary Case Study Analysis 

Business Model

A business model talks about the framework or plan that outlines how a company generates profits and grows potentially. It describes the products or services a company offers, its target market, marketing and sales strategies, revenue streams, cost structure, and overall business operations. A business model is a crucial facet of any company as it helps to define the company's value proposition, competitive advantage, and overall sustainability. 

Business Model of Parcon Projects

In an attempt to secure revenue streams as an owner of a construction company (Parcon Projects), I wanted to create a business model that would assist me to achieve long-term sustainability for my company. Considering the objectives of my business I have opted to use the Business Model Canvas Tool. Currently, my organization is challenged by robust competition and low construction. Consequently, I am making an effort to secure new revenue streams and increase the sustainability of my company.

I have taken the initiative by expanding my real estate development and investing activities in Johannesburg, South Africa. Following the initiative, the objective of my company is how we should establish the company’s strategies to achieve the long-term goals rather than going for restructuring the construction department and how could we use the strategies in our business that have benefited giant organizations. Therefore considering my objectives I have determined that Business Model Canvas is an appropriate tool to provide a strong basis for my initiative.

Business Model Canvas Tool

The Business Model Canvas is a tactical organizational and business tool that helps companies to define, design, and visualize their business models. It is a one-page template that captures the key fundamentals of a business model in a concise and structured way. The canvas is made up of nine key elements.

By filling out the different features of the Business Model Canvas, companies can get a clear understanding of their business model and identify areas where they can improve or innovate.

Since the model outlines the fundamental elements necessary for the business and has been used widely in property diversification and several construction and development companies captured the importance of innovation in adding value and success to their organizations. Therefore this tool is selected bearing in mind the prior business endeavors and the tools’ effectiveness and practicality.

Business Model Canvas Tool for Parcon Projects

There are several major improvements recognized to be implemented in the Parcon Project considering their value proposition for my company and with the comprehensive analysis BCM’s nine blocks components are identified in my company.

Here is a framework of how I would use the BCM tool’s nine blocks to boost the profitability and productivity of my company.

Value Proposition

Our value proposition would focus on cost reduction, reduction in carbon emission, improving environmental well-being by using eco-friendly building processes and enhancing the performance of our construction services.

Key Partners

We pursue taking key partners from joint ventures, strategic alliances, or buyer-supplier relationships. The company’s primary partners would be consulting firms, suppliers, subcontractors, designers, and engineers.

Channels of Distribution, Sales, and Communication

Parcon would use its marketing projections including corporate websites, a 3D virtual site model available to the current users, and its social media sites displaying the progress of finished and ongoing progress.

Key Activities

Key activities of a company represent the steps taken for the sustainability and feasibility of the business model. Key activities to be focused on for Parcon include designing, architecture, planning, and maintenance.

Key Resources

The key resources Parcon would need to implement the desired business model include the investment in plant and equipment, human capital, and material financial resources. The investment in these resources would lead the company to perform effectively.

Customer Relationships

Commercial clients include organizations or individuals that need construction projects for their businesses. Customer relationships will be a focus and customers will be provided with facilities of pre-construction information, reviewing management process throughout the entire project, ensuring health and safety risks, and a proper plan for the project.

Customer Segments

The customer segments of Parcon Projects will include government and private organizations, such as hospitals, universities, road agencies, and municipalities, that are liable for managing and developing infrastructure.


Costs structure refers to the overall cost incurred in operating the business. The primary expenses of Parcon include the hiring of plant and equipment, personnel, marketing, and tenders.

Sources and Amounts of Revenues

The sources for the financing of the company include the key partners of the company and the revenue streams would be distributed as per the diversification of its investments potentials..............

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