Boston Pine Street Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Boston Pine Street Case Solution

Problem Statement and Introduction

Boston Pine Street performed services of hotel management to allow the number of guests to stay for a particular period of time. The case illustrates the issues related to number of retained guests, who are considered to be the main source of revenues for the development of the hotel. It has been highlighted that with each time interval, a number of average guests stayed according to the night bed facilities provided by the hotel’s management for a longer stay.

So in order to assess the number of guests for each of the selected time, a central tendency tool has been used to perform the analysis of the hotel management over the facilities provided to each class within a given time period. However, the main problem was the fluctuation in the number of guests associated with the selected period. Therefore, in order to maintain the position to allow the average number of guests to stay, a critical analysis used through the use of mean and median would be performed in order to know how the revenues of the hotel would compare to the required guests, who should be targeted by the company within each time period to retain its position and reputation. It is determined that with certain issues highlighted, Boston Pine Street might not perform well, if the required assessment would not be implemented properly.

Data analysis (Qualitative and Quantitative)

From the following data provided by Boston Pine Street regarding the number of guests and stay time used, it has been identified that there are more than average numbers of guests who stayed for only a period of 5 days. It shows that the services of the hotel management are not good to retain the guests for long time period. It has also been analyzed that with large number of bed nights, the percentage of stay is higher than those who stay less under the minimum occupancy range of the bedrooms.

The other qualitative factor is the average frequency of the number of night stay each guest performed, historical data shows that the hotel management did not serve its guests properly due to the large distance between the length of stay for each guest. Therefore, this shows that Boston Pine Street has a lack of quality management skills in order to maintain its position for long-term.

In order to execute the plan properly, the hotel needs to analyze the number of guests who would prefer to stay longer and then provide high quality services in order to retain them for revenue generation, which would be good for the hotel’s reputation as well as its development.

Secondly, with a huge number of stays of less than 5 days, the hotel should consider discount rates to attract guests and allow them to stay for 5 days or more. These qualitative factors would increase the level of stay per guests and are also considered to be the main source to generate more revenues than previous ones.


The results implemented by the use of central tendency tool show that the hotel fixed different time intervals for the length of stay per guest. Various results have been shown under a selected number of guest picked for each category. Therefore, it has been identified that the results are quite similar to as discussed in the section of qualitative analysis, where there are a huge number of guests under the period of 5 days and less. On the other side, there are lesser number of people in the “longer stay” category.................

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