Assessment 1: Consultative Report Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


            This paper attempts to address the issues and the future of work due to the impact of the disruptive technologies on the overall labor market. It further analyzes the market dynamics of the labor market and the supply and demand of the labor and how the trend is going to move in future as well. The term labor market has been used throughout this paper and this refers to the market in which the labor services are bought and sold. In certain labor markets the people sell their services for salaries and wages and are called as paid employees while in other labor markets the people ate self employees and are also called as own account workers.

             Overall, labor market in this paper is referred to as a comprehensive term which is going to cover both the self employed and the paid workers around the world labor markets. Most of the countries around the world have identified that the sole asset for the poor people is their labor and therefore, here lies the immense importance of this paper which focuses on understanding the market dynamics that are shaping the future of the labor markets around the world and also to provide the basics for understanding the labor earnings and labor markets around the world.

            This research could also be considered as a policy relevant research and it has a limited objective. One of the limited objectives of this study is to formulate the right model for a market context or a particular country. This paper also considers the forces that shape the wages and whether supply and demand have a significant impact upon the efficiency wage considerations. The impact of the full time workers, part time workers, unemployment rate, unemployment to population ratio and the population has also been analyzed in this paper.

Traditional Overview of Labor Market

            Most of the workers in the poor countries want to have jobs that are more secure and steady, meet the labor standard, offer benefits and also pay them well. These jobs are considered by these people as good jobs. But the issue is that there are not enough jobs for everyone that wants to have a job and is capable of performing that job. Furthermore, the unemployment rate in the developing countries of the world is lower as compared to the unemployment rate in the developed countries. Furthermore, the level of the earnings is not much higher in the developing countries (Chen, 2008).

            For instance, in Africa, Latin America and Asia the daily wage for a worker is not higher than about 1-2 US dollars each day on average. Despite these low wages most of the poor work for longer hours to meet their living and support their families. Along with the lower incomes the certainty of these low wages is also quite low. The poor face low income cash flows and they also have lack of financial tools and as a result they have to carefully respond to this uncertainly and manage their money (Davis, 1996). In most of the developed countries the women also face a disadvantage and there exists wage gap between the wages of men and women. Women in these countries are offered casual positions and their work is more likely to be of informal nature.

            There is also a difference in the proportion of the workers working in the factories and the offices and working in the agricultural sector is different. In developing countries the proportion of the people working the offices and factories is small as compared to the people working in the agricultural sector while the case is vice versa for the developed countries of the world (Doeringer, 1977). Another major difference is the number of the workers working in the private and the public sector. A large majority of the workers in the developing countries of the world are working for the private sector and not the public sector and as a result of this these workers do not receive the job related social security and protection.Assessment 1 Consultative Report Case Solution

            In both the developing and the developed countries of the world, the poor face the most of the problem for finding a regular wage employment job and the kind of the job that they are capable of performing it quite well. As a result these poor people start to find their own self employment opportunities. The middle class group in the labor market also includes many petty entrepreneurs but as a result of being poor they run their businesses because each little bit helps them.  If these people could find the right type of the salaried job then they would immediately shut their businesses down (Fields, 1975)..............

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