Win steps Tables Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Win steps Tables Case Study Solution 

The mean of the measured items is 0.00 and the mean of the measured persons is 0.44. The raw mean score for the total number of the 30 persons is 36 while the standard deviation is 5.5. The mean of model error is 0.27 with a standard deviation of 0.01 which is quite low. The raw score of the 30 measured items and its standard deviation is 62.8 and 27.4 respectively. The Mean of model error and its standard deviation is 0.24 and 0.15 respectively. The variation of the error in the measured items is more than the variation of the error within the measured persons. The minimum and maximum raw score for measured persons is 23 and 50 while for the measured items it is 22 and 107.

The range is high for the 30 measured items which explains the high standard deviation of the model error. The mean, max and min of the In fit scores for measured persons is 1.01, 0.33 and 2.65 respectively and for Outfit scores it is 0.93, 0.52 and 0.42 respectively. Similarly, the mean, max and min of the In fit scores for measured items are 1, 0.1 and 1.3 respectively for In fit scores and 0.93, 0.24 and 1.47 for Outfit scores. If we compared the In fit and outfit mean, minimum and maximum scores of measured items with the measured persons then the measured persons tend to have a lower reliability however, the adjusted standard deviation is 0.29 for Real RMSE for measured persons as compared to 1.04 for measured items.

Item Measure – Table 13.1

The mean of the total score which is a raw score is 64.8 with a standard deviation of 27.4. The most easiest item is the item at the bottom of the table which is 6. This is because this item has the highest raw score as compared to the other items and the most difficult item is the top most items which are 29 and this is because it has the lowest raw score as compared to the other items. The count for each of the item is 54 and the p value for the initial 12 items is less than 1.0 while for the remaining items it is greater than 1.0. This means the items after item 12 have partial credit. Measure is the average score and the mean of this measure is 0 because of equal positive and negative values or responses.

However, the standard deviation of the measure is 1.08. The Infit and the outfit mean scores are 1 and 0.93 respectively. Finally, if we comment on the discrimination then item 15 is a mis keyed item as it has a relatively low value. Item 7 also have lower discrimination because the value of less than 0.7 is generally considered to be low. Item 12 is perfectly discriminating while items with values of less than 1 are under discriminating which include item 29, 15, 25, 22, 1, 24, 19, 10, 7, 3 and 6 while all the remaining items are good. Those have values of greater than 1 which is good while items with values less than 1 are bad.

Win steps Tables Harvard Case Solution & Analysis



Variable Maps – Table 1.0

If we look at the variable map then in the item map there is a long gap between the 6 and the 3. This means that there are very few easy items as compared to the most difficult and the middle items. If we measure the In fit and the Outfit item scores then the scores are between 0.5 to 1.5 and this is an acceptable value. Furthermore, if we compare the raw item discriminations based on the p values against the discrimination values reported in Table 13.1, then it is clearly evident that many items have a perfectly discrimination value such as item 16, 17, 25, 21, 19, 23, 20 and 18 while in table 13.1 we have only 1 perfectly discrimination value. Only 4 items have 0 discrimination and all the remaining items have a good discrimination which is greater than 1.0. The values of discrimination in this table are higher as compared to the values in table 13.1...........................

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