TELECOM CHURN RATE Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Telecom Churn Rate Case Study Solution

Two Sub Sample for Churn Rate to Average Monthly Charges

By using the two sub samples, one for those who have churned (Churn = ‘Yes’) and one for the others (Churn = ‘No’), a confidence interval of 95% of the customer's average monthly charges based on churn status (one if churn is yes) is 73.3223 to 75.5603 for the customers and (one if churn is no) 60.4177 to 62.1125 for the customers. These sub samples lead to the conclusion that due to the higher monthly charges, the customers stopped using the company’s product and services, which increased the confidence to say that the highest monthly charges are the reason to stop buying and using the company’s product and services.

Descriptive a
  Churn Statistic Std. Error
Monthly Charges No Mean 61.2651 .43226
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 60.4177  
Upper Bound 62.1125  
5% Trimmed Mean 60.7626  
Median 64.4250  
Variance 966.753  
Std. Deviation 31.09265  
Minimum 18.25  
Maximum 118.75  
Range 100.50  
Interquartile Range 63.30  
Skewness -.025 .034
Kurtosis -1.355 .068
Yes Mean 74.4413 .57055
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 73.3223  
Upper Bound 75.5603  
5% Trimmed Mean 75.5549  
Median 79.6500  
Variance 608.414  
Std. Deviation 24.66605  
Minimum 18.85  
Maximum 118.35  
Range 99.50  
Interquartile Range 38.07  
Skewness -.729 .057
Kurtosis -.362 .113
a. There are no valid cases for Monthly Charges when Churn = .000. Statistics cannot be computed for this level.


Two Sub Sample for Churn Rate to Tenure (Months)

By using the two sub samples, one for those who have churn (Churn = ‘Yes’) and another for the others (Churn = ‘No’), a confidence interval of 95% of the customer's tenure in months based on churn status (one if churn is yes) is 17.09 to 18.87 for the customers, and (another if churn is no)36.91 to 38.23 for the customers. These sub samples lead to the conclusion that tenure in months is a great cause to churn, which increases the confidence to say that the lowest tenure in months is the reason to stop buying and using the company’s product and services.

Descriptive a
  Churn Statistic Std. Error
Tenure No Mean 37.57 .335
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 36.91  
Upper Bound 38.23  
5% Trimmed Mean 37.69  
Median 38.00  
Variance 581.474  
Std. Deviation 24.114  
Minimum 0  
Maximum 72  
Range 72  
Interquartile Range 46  
Skewness -.032 .034
Kurtosis -1.414 .068
Yes Mean 17.98 .452
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 17.09  
Upper Bound 18.87  
5% Trimmed Mean 16.21  
Median 10.00  
Variance 381.465  
Std. Deviation 19.531  
Minimum 1  
Maximum 72  
Range 71  
Interquartile Range 27  
Skewness 1.149 .057
Kurtosis .196 .113
a. There are no valid cases for Tenure when Churn = .000. Statistics cannot be computed for this level.

Recommendations to Reduce Churn Rate

It has been identified that the customers who churns (stopped buying the company’s product and services) have so many complaints related to the internet services of the company. A churned customer is not happy with the internet as well as the multiple line services of the company. A churned customer pays the highest monthly charges while the shortest tenure in months when he or she hadbeen a customer.

The things that should be done to reduce the customer churn rate are described below

  • The company should collect the time to time feedback from the customers in order to resolve the issues being faced by the customers.
  • The company should introduce the loyalty programs in which themarketing executives should design some marketing strategies in order to encourage the customers to continue shopping at or to use the services of the company associated with each program.

The company should offer discounts for monthly service charges.........................


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