What’s Going Wrong With Democracy Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


Democracy is a system of Government in which the whole state is run by its people. It is also referred as government by the people or by the majority. Unlike other types of Governments, the people of the country are involved in the decision making of the country. An assembly of people is elected by the people of the country, which is involved in handling the affairs of the country.

The key persons in democracy are elected by the people of the country by giving votes to their favorite ones such as, Prime Minister, President, etc. .In democracy most of the powers rest with the people of the country. Many laws and regulations have been made to protect the interest of the people of the country. The people of the country have full rights to replace Government by doing free and fair elections. Democratic ideologies run in line with the archetypes of universal freedoms such as the right to unrestricted speech.

There are two pre-requisites of democracy. The first is the democracy will give productive results in the small community because in small community people can easily attend debates on the issues of the country as well as voting for the election can also be done easily because small numbers of people are included in the voting procedures.

The other pre-condition is that the economy should be such that it gives maximum rights to its people to involve in politics of the country. If the economy does not give the rights to its people to involve in politics then the democracy would be turned into democratic republic which is similar as Dictatorship.


Democracy was first introduced in Athens; it was introduced by Cleisthenes, who was later called as ‘THE FATHER OF ATHENIAN DEMOCRACY’. They introduced Direct Democracy which is completely in contrast with Modern Democracy. In Direct Democracy people are randomly selected as judicial officers and every person in the country except for women, children, and foreigners are allowed to speak and debate in the assembly which set the laws and regulations of the state.

The American Rebellion is a significant happening in history that symbols a whirling point in democracy. The leading step was the formation of the Declaration of Independence, written by the American President, Thomas Jefferson in 1776. In this deed many philosophies were taken from two prominent logicians of the stretch, Jean Jacques Rousseau and John Locke, which sketched liberty and fairness.

Modern democracies established throughout the 20th century. Democracies have resulted from wars, revolutions, decolonization and economic circumstances. The integer of democracies continues to grow and it has been risked that this drift may continue in the future to the point where democratic nation-states become the customary system of hominoid culture.

Now-a-days many societies are known as representative democracies. Under this system, representatives are elected by the people so that they can make decisions on behalf of people. The elections are held after every few years in which people are given opportunity to vote for the people they want to be a Government Representative. The candidates (people wishing to be representatives) belongs to a political party of the country.


Democracy is important because it helps in controlling Government as it does not give Government complete independency; this prevents the civilians from the people who hold powers for their own benefits. It also prevents the people who hold power for abusing it. Elections do not only help to hold a Government accountable but also they let people participate and have their say in political process. The people can also join political parties, pressure groups, or can do protests in order to influence Government decisions.

What’s Going Wrong With Democracy Case Solution

It also helps people to unite and stand on a single platform for the benefit of the country. As majority of the people of the country are involved in decision making of the affairs of the country it helps in creating a sense of brother hood and unity among the people of the country. It motivates the people by giving them complete freedom which increases the loyalty of the people towards the government and towards the company.

In the democratic system the goals of the Government representatives are aligned with the goals of the civilians. It decreases the internal violence of the country and mass murders by the Government...................

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