Timely middle School Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Timely middle School Case Solution

Question 1

In order to evaluate the performance of the Project Promise Pilot Program; sufficient data was gathered which included the cost budgets, student & teachers’ absenteeism rates, school’s acceptance rates, suspensions, potential non-promotes, math and reading ability and the parents’ involvement.

It was clearly observed that the school had been facing a number of issues, which included the low math and reading scores, very low teachers’ as well as students’ attendance levels, high rate of failure and suspensions and the damaged reputation of the school as a worst and the low- achieving school in the town. Moreover, the Timilty Schools’ students had the lowest socioeconomic levels, which created further challenges for the school, as the population was racially mixed, which had low living standards and was suffering from extreme poverty and family crisis.

After the project’s implementation; the performance needed to be measured in order to observe the project’s impact over the school entire performance. The data was collected over the aforementioned problems, i.e. the absenteeism among the students and the teachers had decreased substantially after the project’s implementation and the school’s acceptance rate had increased. The parent’s involvement and the student reading and math abilities increased as well.

But, the data must have involved a cost and benefit analysis, which was Mr. Whalls’ concern. The exhibits proved that the performance of the students had improved along with low suspension rate and less absenteeism rates, but the benefits were not matched with the costs associated with the implementation of the Project Promise Pilot Program. Moreover, the project’s success must be compared with other schools with same structure and program implementation. If the benefits outweigh the costs of the project, then it would be considered a solid proof for the program’s success.

Question 2

Mr. Whall was not satisfied with the results delivered by the Project Promise Program. Mr. Whall was the budget director at BPS. Being responsible for the budgets given by the government towards the education sector, it was his responsibility to measure the project’s performance by all aspects. He himself charted down a plan as a substitute for the Project, as shown in Exhibit 5.

The project’s results were quite appealing. The number of suspension reduced significantly from 82 suspensions in year 1 to 38 suspensions year 2. Similarly, the non-promotion also remained quite low at 5% (Exhibit 1). On the other hand, the number of acceptances by the school increased from 39 in year 1 to 64 in year 3, after the implementation of the Project Promise.

Moreover, the percentile schools for reading and math ability was measured for the Project Promise versus the Non-Project Promise Students, and it was observed that the project promise’s students had a higher percentile score in the reading and math test as compared to the non-project promise students For instance: the grade 6 students scored a higher percentile of 72 in math’s test as compared to 64 percentile maintained by the non-project proposal students (See Exhibit 2).

Not only this, the schools’ internal performance had increased but its competitive position improved as well in comparison to other schools, as shown in exhibit 3. The student of each grade at Timilty Middle School, performed better that the students at Cleveland, Thompson and other non-project school.

Mr. Whall was mainly concerned about the costs associated with the Project Proposal Program. The exhibit 5 was prepared by Mr. Whalls, in order to look at the costs and benefits associated with the project. He estimated that the total costs associated with the project proposal amounted to $1,265,326, which could be utilized for the mentioned options, ultimately providing greater benefits at lower cost. His concern was justified to an extent, because with a constant population; The BPS expenditures had approximately increased by 28%. The test scores have increased with a greater proportion as compared to the increased in aggregate expenditures. In addition to this, the cost of Timilty Middle school was $636,718 greater the other schools delivering average results. Mr. Whall’s concern is justified if the complete focus is kept over the cost structures, however, the project has also delivered promising results, which tends to improve the well-being of students and that of school.......................

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