The Team That Wasn’t Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


Upon analysing the case comprehensively, following are the problems that are detected in the team of Fire Art.

Lack of Cohesion

There is a lack of cohesion among the members of the team made in Fire Art. There is no synergy among the team members which further leads to the inefficiency of performance of the team. This iscaused because Eric lacks in making appropriate efforts in order to create a culture of group working

Lack of Motivation

The motivational level of the team members is very low. This has caused due to several issues faced by the team. This is further decreasing the overall efficiency performance of the team to a considerable extent.

Lack of Mutual understanding

There is no mutual understanding among the members of the team. This is because Eric has not used the team building model effectively, which implies a process of building an effective team in four stages.

The first stage known as “FORMING” implies that the team members should develop a mutual understanding in order to work efficiently and effectively. Thus, lack in mutual understanding would decrease the overall performance of the team.

Difference in Contextual Backgrounds

Eric selected the team members of different contextual backgrounds. This has increased the overall conflicts among the team members as each members in the team has different cultural and ethical values, which gives rise to conflicts among the team members and subsequently decreases the overall performance of the team.

Superiority complexes

The team members selected by Eric are of various levels of hierarchy such as Randy pertains from the top level of hierarchy, whereas, Ray pertains to lower middle level of hierarchy. Thus, this creates superiority complexes in lower level employees, which further effects negatively on the overall performance of the team work.

Personal Biasness:

After comprehensively analysing the case, it seems that Randy is only considered about gaining only his personal advantage, rather than working as a team. This further creates a negative impact on the efficiency of team work

Excessive Criticism on other’s opinion

Randy often criticizeson others’ opinions; this decreases the motivational level of the member providing opinion. Thus, this decreases the willingness of participation among the team members, which further reduces the efficiency of the performance of the team.

Lack of conflict resolution techniques:

Eric is unable to use conflict resolution techniques efficiently and effectively in order to resolve the rising conflicts among the team members. This has caused frustration among the team members as conflicts remain unresolved.

This also decreases the overall motivational level among the members of the team which further leads to team work inefficiency.

Unable to meet deadlines

Eric has not properly set the priorities of the tasks allocated to the team. In addition to this, Eric has not made and communicated the time schedule of the tasks to the team members. This decreases the ability of the team to complete their tasks before deadlines, efficiently and effectively

Lack of rewards

There is no rewarding structure in the team, neither monetary nor non-monetary, this has decreased the overall motivational level of team members, which has further decreased the overall level of commitment and dedication among the team members. This further poses a negative effect on the overall efficiency of the team work.

Lack of creativity

There is a lack in creativity among the team members, as they are unable to generate fresh ideas as well as they are also unable to exploit new and unidentified opportunities. This further decreases the overall efficiency of the team work.

Lack of team learning

The team members in the team are unable to gain advantage as well as they are also unable to learn from each other.Since the most senior member in the team, Randy, is only busy in leg pulling of other team members and does not share his skills and expertise with other team members, therefore, the other team members are unable to get advantage and learn from his skills and expertise.

Vague roles:

Eric has not appropriately assigned the respective roles to the team members, which has created role ambiguity among the team members. This has further enhanced the level of frustration among the team members and has subsequently reduced the overall efficiency of work performed by team members.The Team That Wasn’t Casen Solution

Difficulty in making decisions:

Eric is unable to formulate effective decisions as well as other members of the team also find it difficult in making effective decisions. Lack in collaboration and coordination among the team members becomes a hurdle in making strategic decisions efficiently and effectively.

Thus, this decreases the overall motivational level among the team members as well as this also creates frustration among the team members. As a result, this also decreases the overall efficiency of the team effort......................

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