The Box Tree Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Evaluation of Alternatives

Evaluation of Alternative A

Instead of allowing the strikers to continue their activities, they should put a stop to them.


  • The strikers’ demonstrations may be delayed if there was some type of compromise.
  • There are no negative associations associated with the site at all.
  • A wider range of customers will stay at the hotel and eat in the hotel’s restaurants. They will also dine in the hotel’s guest rooms.


  • There is no question that the strikers will put up resistance.
  • It is possible that other organizations could become involved, thus complicating the situation.

Evaluation of Alternative B

In spite of Paege’s dislike for Baruch, she was required to report on him at least once during each.


  • Paege will finally have a complete understanding of the situation as soon as he returns to his residence.
  • Baruch will always be aware of all that has to be done and will know precisely what it is.


  • It is up to Paege to decide whether or not to pay heed to her concerns, despite the fact that they are quite reasonable.

Evaluation of Alternative C

Come to an agreement with the employees about joining the union.


  • Create an alliance with the employees Eliminate the risk of striking, improve the image, and boost the income Maintainable operations, enhanced connections with other retail establishments.


  • It’s possible that the workers would not be happy with the changes that the union will make.
  • It’s likely that the shop’s procedures will alter.

Decision: Selection of Best Alternative

Option C is the one that the organization ought to give the most serious consideration to implementing. The employees’ confidence in their employer might perhaps be restored if an agreement about unionization is reached with the workers. Customers will stay loyal to a company for as long as its employees are devoted to meeting their requirements and demonstrate loyalty toward those customers. As a result, the firm need to

  • Employ an operational assistant,
  • Let employees to join a union, and
  • allow workers to have a say in the decisions that are made.

Employees who have been replaced and strikers who have returned to work need to:

  • Get to know one another;
  • Have conversations with important people (including neighbors and the union)

Implementation Plan

The implementation plan for the company to implement its best alternative (alternative C) is

Follow Up Plan

A substantial amount of the credit for the company’s success goes to the management of the hotel. The decision maker, who is typically a member of management, is the single most significant contributor to the success of a firm, despite the fact that there are many other aspects that play a role. The hospitality sector is also responsible for ensuring that its employees are content in their jobs. Society comes in last, but it’s not even close to being last on the list. It is possible for the relationship to continue if both parties are content with their respective responsibilities.....................

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