Although at the time of counterfeit products were pretty much limited to watches, designer clothes, and movies, today counterfeiting is a serious problem in such diverse product categories as pharmaceuticals, automotive parts, and software. There are four different types of fraud: fraud, forgery, that reverse engineering of genuine goods, goods manufactured outside vendors to "third shift", and products that do not meet the standards of the manufacturer, but not properly labeled as seconds or destroyed. The quality of some fakes are so good that some major retailers unknowingly purchased counterfeit. But while there are new forms of counterfeit goods, there are new strategies to combat counterfeiting. This article describes how to identify and reduce counterfeiting activity, through the plan, which consists of four phases: (1) development of early warning signals forgery (2) the budget for the monitoring, prevention and removal of counterfeit products, and (3) using the Demand Strategy to prevent fraud, and (4), production and sales strategy for the prevention of fraud. "Hide
by Barry Berman Source: Business Horizons 9 pages. Publication Date: June 15, 2008. Prod. #: BH275-PDF-ENG