After working collectively on a university business plan, two entrepreneurs had worked for three years to develop their enterprise: Shutout Solutions Inc. Their startup enterprise was created in response to an issue familiar to most hockey players: infamously smelly equipment. While their familiarity with ice hockey equipment helped them identify a specific problem, following research had revealed a considerably broader issue: the need to wash products which were made of micro-fibre.
As they contemplated their options, they realized that they may have to choose to focus their resources on just one product line rather than continue to develop their present portfolio of a body wash, a detergent plus a spray. In addition they questioned whether they were using the right channel – sporting goods stores and fitness centers – to reach their customers. The opportunity to pursue mass institutional sales was also intriguing, though it’d need pricing, a different sales and supply strategy. And they also considered how they might react to an offer to sell the business in its present form.
Shutout Solutions case study solutionPUBLICATION DATE: October 05, 2011 PRODUCT #: W11261-PDF-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION
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