PROJECT MANAGEMENT REPORT Harvard Case Solution & Analysis



The lack of proper reporting and control mechanisms in relation to quality training to education managers by the provincial departments, which created a constraint on the follow up procedure of the teachers. Further the educational authorities’ involvement in the reconstruction of the institutions also lacked workers and supervisors to manage the reporting and control stage. Furthermore, due to short termism of the project, the strategic framework for the in-service teacher was not completed and still is being followed up under the policy 570-PAK-1001. (Trust, 2011)

Supporting activities for Secondary and Tertiary Education:

Buildings were created during that time such as Moolian Government Boys School in KPK Province, while Nakran Government High School was under development in the process. The schools were to the scale with around 8500 Square feet in area, having 11 classrooms, 12 toilets, and 2 laboratories to perform the work with separate administration areas.

The Buildings were with 50 years life cycle and estimated to assist 40,490 students during their term period. Other in process building such as Naluchi Girls High School were under construction for that term period.


Land and ownership disputes, rubble removal, harsh winter conditions and excessed inflation in the affected areas created a mess in the budgets, time and implementation of the processes. Further there was a shift of responsibility from the government towards the project, with the government shifting their workloads to the project team and staff. Further the ERP team had listed construction of temporary housing facilities while the Earthquake Rehabilitation and Restoration Agency focused on permanent housing, creating outflows in the ERP Team’s already limited budget spending power.

Non Formal Education Training; Vocational Education, Literacy Classes, and Recreational activities:

This part involved in assistance of 34 literary centers in Mansehra for 3 months, providing salary to teachers and elemental trainers. As such 539 teachers, 15 supervisors and social members were trained and paid for the process of 3 months.

Further trauma consultation department was envisioned providing support to 939 individuals in the Mansehra and Balakot district of KPK province.


TVET (Technical Education and Vocational Training) authority was behind its construction budgets and time margins, as constructors refused to work due to land issues with locals which created hurdles in the process completion by time, further NEF and PAK TEVTA awarded lands to other societies such as red crescent with ERP not being followed on creating time and resource issues for the ERP Team.

Lack of quality staff was also a problem as the training of IT staff was halted in one area causing the completion to halt in that area. (That area still being followed under 570-PAK-1001).

Female trainers’ allocations were also a problems as PAK Govt. apportioned the CBT for women to DSWWD instead of PAK TEVTA, creating a delay of 3 months on the work process.

Promoting activities for the Inter-agency network in terms of Quick Response and Emergency Activities:

Non-Formal Education was basically a separate criteria for the  ERP team as it considered the employment as the main goal of providing learning assistance to locals in cases of emergency situations.

96 males and 90 females were the part of the care receiving training education, this training was conducted with assistance from other Govt. Institutions and NGO’s and these did affect the non-educated locals with assistance to perform and as a backup to the primary education if unavailable helping in sustenance of the future.

This is further provided in the Exhibit -2 in the Exhibits Section at the end of this report.

This area was considered as all obstacle removed without a problem in time or budget, with the policies of the project manager being effectual.


The ERP Highly did complete the project with a high number of targets they had set out in the start of the project. The main focus being in the areas of the development of the senior, middle, and other officials in the disaster struck area of Pakistan.

Some of the key facts are presented below:

  • Development of educational managers, teachers, and their respective institutions. This can be further assessed by the construction of a new office and training resource center. Further studies for the post development of Earthquake also categorized.
  • Successful preparation of the web based database for Government approved institutions such as DCTE and DEE. Further fully education management information system was created for the government’s assistance, controlled by BEC headquarters.
  • Training of trainers, educational assessors and teachers according to the UNICEF guidelines and training materials resources.
  • Creation of Girls Primary School, with furniture designed according BMI of the students.
  • Six CLC’s provided, supporting 47 literary centers and the creation of first BECS for Pakistan, supporting 10 community based training centers.
  • 18 government TVET institutions restored and reactivated.

These and there were also further numerous points for the success of this project but there were also some unachievable areas and losses suffered by ERP team which are mentioned below:

  • Two big high schools  were still under construction for the project but under the supervision of UNICEF in 570-PAK-1001.
  • Draft strategic frameworks for the in-service teacher, which was incomplete was under the process and subject to approval by the government agencies.
  • Follow up activities are further considered under 570-PAK-1001, and were not yet completed onto the four year time frame.


As this was a project catered under the UNICEF, and not for trading organization. Hence, it can not only be considered under the financial evaluation of the project. The qualitative aspects were more for this project.

This project needed diverse and strong collaboration with the government and other agencies, it needed motivated individuals of the team with heavy focus on the problems solving areas. This considered people having a higher purpose and not foregoing the luxuries but helping others.

To assess the project being a success or not? This is a question which we will be considered here:

According to the project report, this project was a success and this can be seen in the Exhibit 3 below as work based structure and the completion parts of the ERP Team are provided under the exhibits section.

This type of project was measured against its objectives and deliverables; and had an outstanding position in the sustainability nature of this task which would benefit a lot of people in the future.

Mini Project:

This project was completed by 4 Members of our group. We have considered different projects for different countries according to the information they have made public and came across this project for the UNESCO in the South Asia which was derived after the Earthquake of 2005 in which thousands of lives were lost.

UNESCO is a part of the United Nations and this project was chosen to appraise and to provide a report on the works of Non-profit organization and how the project has been managed in the process.

Apart from the 4 members of our team, the team decided upon a leader and after giving 2 days’ notice, the work breakdown structure was divided amongst the members by our team leader.

It was as follows:

TEAM LEADER Selection of the Project.
Assessment of the Success criteria of the Project Selected.
Compilation and Status Update of the members’ tasks.
MEMBER - 1 Data Gathering and Background Information.
MEMBER - 2 Challenges to the Project.
MEMBER - 3 Work Breakdown structures and Achievements satisfied.
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