Profile on Donald Trump as Negotiator Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Profile on Donald Trump as Negotiator Case Solution

It is being analyzed by watching videos that he has blinked his eyes, frowned his eyebrows while negotiating, which shows that he is a quick thinker, who is convinced of his own judgment or thinking, high sense of responsibility, quickly shift into actions, under tension tendency, he most probably ignores the feeling of other people and relationship with other people. He  becomes verbally aggressive, loses his mental grip on the situations and does not hesitate to engage in a conflict with other party.

In many negotiations, it is analyzed that he is tough and strong, he seems to be often agitated and on edge. The Trump’s agitation clouds his judgment and trips him into making common mistakes while negotiating, after which he concludes to impulsive actions and hasty judgments. When it becomes clear to him that he can no longer win as the negotiation becomes too tedious and complex he always continue to forces and do concessions or divert attention of public on another topic (Latz, 2018).

Factually, Trump’s business acumen in commercial real estate development with other reveals that he has been underperforming his real estate investor’s peers, he is a talented entertainer and a skillful presenter but he is an underperformer in terms of his investment skills. Being not a good businessman indicates worst negotiator. Trump has undermined his effectiveness with his adversarial win-loss approach, lack of preparation, name-calling, spontaneous gut-level modes and an extremely mean-spirited or aggressive tone. Throughout negotiation, he is a deep questioner and active listener, he also has adversarial spirit or focus (LATZ, 2018).

In addition to this, notably, the trick often used by him is to threaten the outrageous, intensify the tension and then amplify with taunts and tweets and compromise or negotiate on fairly conventional middle ground. He has been using hard line negotiation method which resorts to threats, unethical behavior and extreme demand for the purpose of getting the upper hand in the negotiation (Perper, 2018).............


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