Polyphonic HMI: Mixing Music and Math Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Polyphonic HMI: Mixing Music and Math Case Study Help

Executive Summary

This executive summary presents a comprehensive overview of the marketing strategies and recommendations for Polyphonic HMI's Hit Song Science (HSS) technology in the music industry. The analysis focuses on the target market of record labels and outlines the implementation plan, financial analysis, and revenue projections. The recommended strategy is to position HSS as a valuable tool for record labels in album marketing, song selection, and artist scouting. This market segment offers potential growth, a high return on investment, and the ability to generate sales relatively quickly. By leveraging the unique technology and expertise of HSS, Polyphonic can meet the specific needs of record labels, maximize revenue potential, and establish a strong market presence.

The proposed marketing strategies include collaborating with industry experts, offering customizable features and packages, implementing tiered pricing plans, developing a comprehensive digital marketing campaign, and strengthening partnerships with major record labels and industry influencers. These strategies aim to create awareness, establish credibility, and drive adoption among record labels.

The implementation plan spans four months and includes activities such as market research, strategy development, networking, development of marketing materials, digital advertising campaigns, event participation, direct sales approach, and continuous monitoring and evaluation. This plan ensures a systematic and focused approach to reaching record labels and showcasing the benefits of HSS.

The financial analysis highlights the cost structure, break-even point, and sensitivity analysis. It emphasizes the importance of setting optimal selling prices to cover costs and generate revenue. By carefully managing costs, setting competitive prices, and continuously refining marketing strategies, HSS can strive toward profitability and success. The market size analysis reveals significant opportunities within the record labels, artists, and producers segments. However, based on revenue projections, the record labels market segment shows the highest revenue potential. The realistic market size projection of 2,500 record labels suggests a substantial customer base that can be targeted and tapped into


Polyphonic HMI, a music analysis company, faced the challenge of bridging the gap between the artistry of music and the analytical power of mathematics. Their flagship product, Hit Song Science (HSS), utilized complex algorithms to predict the hit potential of songs. This case explores the marketing and strategic decisions that Polyphonic HMI had to make to position HSS successfully in the music industry.

By blending technology, data analysis, and the ever-changing landscape of the music market, Polyphonic HMI aimed to revolutionize the way music was created, marketed, and appreciated. This case delves into the opportunities, challenges, and decisions faced by Polyphonic HMI as they sought to harmonize music and math to unlock the potential of the music industry.

Problem Statement

The company behind Hit Song Science (HSS), developed an effective marketing strategy within the constraints of a limited budget and time. They need to identify the target market with the largest opportunity for HSS, determine the positioning and emphasized benefits for that market, set an appropriate pricing strategy to break even, and decide on the selling approach considering the budget limitations. The challenge lies in making strategic decisions that maximize the return on investment, generate sales quickly, and establish HSS as a valuable tool for record labels, producers, and unsigned artists in the music industry.

Marketing Audit

The marketing audit provides a detailed analysis of the current 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) of the company/brand, evaluating their strengths and areas where improvement is needed. The marketing mix, 4 P’s, is helpful to understand their customers and create services that align with their needs. In the development of their pricing model, they must consider their target market and ensure they remain competitive and profitable within the industry.

Marketing Mix (4Ps)


Music industry professionals increasingly turn to HSS for its advanced technology and unique ability to help record labels, producers, and unsigned artists determine the potential of their songs. Providing data-driven insights, the product has become an invaluable resource for making informed decisions. To further diversify its value proposition and make the most of customer preferences, HSS should explore the potential for product innovation and diversification...........

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